Emergency services – 8 ročník Základní škola Jakuba Jana Ryby Rožmitál pod Třemšínem Efektivní výuka pro rozvoj potenciálu žáka projekt v rámci Operačního.

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Prezentace na téma: "Emergency services – 8 ročník Základní škola Jakuba Jana Ryby Rožmitál pod Třemšínem Efektivní výuka pro rozvoj potenciálu žáka projekt v rámci Operačního."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Emergency services – 8 ročník Základní škola Jakuba Jana Ryby Rožmitál pod Třemšínem Efektivní výuka pro rozvoj potenciálu žáka projekt v rámci Operačního programu VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ PRO KONKURENCESCHOPNOST

2 Britain There are four emergency services in Britain: 1. The police 2. The fire service 3. The ambulance service 4. The coastguard

3 call Britain: If there is an emergency, you should dial _____ or _____. The USA and Canada: you dial ____. The Czech Republic: ______ - the police ______ - the fire service ______ - the ambulance service _____ 999112 911 112 158 150 155

4 All emergency calls are free. All large hospitals have an Accident and Emergency department. People usually call it: A and E

5 The police There is only one main type of police force in th UK. Most police officers in Britain don´t carry guns. They patrol the street : - on foot in a car on horse on bike

6 The fire service The main ob of the fire service is to fight fires. They also help in other situations: - floods other disasters road accidents

7 The ambulance service Ambulances take people to hospital in an emergency. The paramedics also give first aid in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

8 The coastguard They help people at see. They also help people who have problems on the coast because they have fallen or got stuck in a dangerous situation.

9 The mountain rescue service There is also a mountain rescue service in some parts of the country. (Scotland, the Lake District) They help when people have an accident or get lost in the hills and mountains.

10 Emergency services (8.ročník) Použitý software: držitel licence – ZŠ J. J. Ryby v Rožmitále p.Tř. Windows XP Professional Zoner - České kliparty 1, 2, 3 Obrázky z internetu Učebnice Project 3, Tom Hutchinson Autor: Linda Berková ZŠ J.J.Ryby v Rožmitále p.Tř. (www.zsrozmital.cz)www.zsrozmital.cz

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