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ZveřejnilJarmila Vacková
Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Ing. Helena Zikmundová. Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785. Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků (NÚV). Obchodní akademie a Střední odborná škola, gen. F. Fajtla, Louny, p.o. Osvoboditelů 380, Louny Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0052Číslo sady01Číslo DUM03 PředmětAnglický jazyk - konverzace Tematický okruhReálie anglicky mluvících zemí – USA, Kanada Název materiáluCanada – provinces and territories AutorIng. Helena Zikmundová Datum tvorbyListopad 2012Ročník třetí Anotace Prezentace k seznámení s provinciemi a teritorii Kanady Metodický pokyn 1. Vyzvěte žáky k vyjádření geografického pozice Kanady na zeměkouli. 2. Uveďte rozdělení Kanady na jednotlivé regiony 3. Vysvětlete jednotlivé provincie a teritoria včetně jejich zajímavostí a ekonomie 4. Na závěr prezentace nechte žáky zopakovat učivo v přiřazovacím testu
Canada – provinces and territories Where is Canada situated? Obr.1
Provinces and territories 10 provinces and 3 territories in 5 distinct regions The Atlantic Provinces Central Canada The Praire Provinces The West Coast Province The Northern Territories Obr.2
Atlantic Provinces Newfoundland and Labrador (St. John´s) easternmost part of Canada province with the world finest fishing grounds Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown) is the smallest province major industry is dairy farming an fishing Nova Scotia (Halifax) the second smallest province has many ethnic museums New Brunswick (Fredericton) 90 % of the province is covered by forests forestry and lumbering are the largest industry Obr.3
Central Provinces Ontario (Torronto) the second largest province has vast mineral reserves southern part is suitable for agriculture and industry Quebec (Quebec City) the majority of population is of French origin mining and forestry and hydroelectric power is main industry is famous for sport, above all ice hockey Obr.4
Prairie Provinces Alberta (Edmonton) very little populated popular with tourists for its wildlife and beautiful mountain parks has rich natural resources Saskatchewan (Regina) its name is of Indian origin bush and tundra country economy based on extracting oil, gas and potash Manitoba (Winipeg) half of land is heavily forested a seventh of surface is formed by lakes and rivers economy based on agriculture, tourism, energy, oil, mining, and forestry Obr.5
The West Coast Province British Columbia (Victoria) most land is covered by forest, tundra, snowfields and glaciers Vancouver is the largest port of Canada in 2010 Winter Olympic Games economy based on forestry industry and mining Obr.6
Territories Yukon Territory (Whitehorse) the highest peak Mt.Logan a gold rush in 19th century one-fifth of population are American Indians and Inuit Northwest Territory (Yellowknife) reach into Arctic Circle and has thousand islands mining is the principal industry Nunavut (Igaluit) the largest territory the least populous people are Inuit with their own language economy based on fur industry, tourism and art craft Obr.7
Match regions to provinces and territories 1) The Atlantic Provinces 2) The Central Provinces 3) The Prairie Provinces 4) The West Coast Province 5) Territories A) Quebec B) British Columbia C) Manitoba D) Yukon E) Saskatchewan F) Newfoundland and Labrador G) Alberta H) Northwest Territory I) New Brunswick J) Prince Edward Island K) Nova Scotia L) Nunavut M) Ontario
Key 1) F, I, J, K, 2)A, M 3)C,E,G 4)B 5)D,H,L
Key The Atlantic Provinces Newfoundland and Labrador New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia The Central Provinces Ontario Quebec The Prairie Provinces Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba The West Coast Province British Columbia Territories Yukon Northwest Territory Nunavut
Použité zdroje Obr.1 SSOLBERGJ. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia [online]. 2008-10-29. [cit. 2013-05-02]. Dostupné z: Obr.2 AUTOR NEUVEDEN, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia [online]. [cit. 29.1.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: Obr.3 CONNORMAH. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia [online]. 2009-01-11. [cit. 2013-05-02]. Dostupné z: Obr.4 CONNORMAH. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia [online]. 2009-01-11. [cit. 2013-05-02]. Dostupné z: Obr.5 DERFEL73,LOKAL PROFIL. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia [online]. 2011-08-21. [cit. 2013-05-02]. Dostupné z: Obr.6 EOZYO. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia [online]. 2008-09-29. [cit. 2013- 05-02]. Dostupné z:,_Canada.svg,_Canada.svg Obr.7 CONNORMAH. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia [online]. 2009-01-11. [cit. 2013-05-02]. Dostupné z: RUBINOFF, Heft. Canada - maple leaf land. Bridge. 1999, č.1, s. 28-29
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