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ZveřejnilJaromír Bureš
Jitka Škopová & Radek Marták ALCOHOLS
Main characteristics: Contains -OH hydroxyl group Common formula is R-OH –alcohols: R is alkyl group (e. g. methyl, ethyl...) –phenols: R is aryl (e. g. phenyl) Depending on C, where the -OH group is bonded: –primary alcohol: R-OH –secondary alcohol: R 2 -CHOH –tertiary alcohols: R 3 COH - divided by the count of -OH monohydric – contain 1x –OH group polyhydric: 2x, 3x… -OH group –polyhydric alcohol sever H 2 O to form ketone
Overview of alcoholes
How to prepare an alcohol? From natural resources: –ethanol is formed by the fermentation of sugar and then is distilled from a mixture (mostly methanol and ethanol) Industrial production: –from unsaturated hydrocarbons = water addition on the double bond (catalyze by H 2 SO 4 or H 3 PO 4 ):
Some preparations
Some reactions main reaction is nucleophilic substitution example of oxidation
Usage as a solvent in industry raw material for other preparations e. g. ethanol can be very ecological fuel to engines in the future (but it bond with water and it cause corrosion, however we can dispatch this) they are very extended in nature in ester forms (e. g. fat, wax, resin etc.) cleaning liquids sources of light and solid ethanol for cooking on holidays
And well-known usage is… DRINKING –e. g. 10° beer has about 4% vol. of alcohol –e. g. wine has about 12% vol. of alcohol –e. g. tequila has about 38% vol. of alcohol –e. g. absinth has about 75% vol. of alcohol But you know this numbers, don‘t you? Oh, but drinking alone is called alcoholism, so be careful…
Vocabulary: monohydric, polyhydric – jedno (více) sytný fermentation – kvašení raw material – výchozí produkt wax – vosk resin – pryskyřice dispatch – odstranit tequila – tequila (Velice dobrá lihovina. Pije se buď s citronem a solí, nebo skořicí a pomerančem.)
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