MASOPUST Three-day Between Christmas and easter Start – after three-wise-men End – depends on date of Easter (40 days before the start of Easter) After.

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2 MASOPUST Three-day Between Christmas and easter Start – after three-wise-men End – depends on date of Easter (40 days before the start of Easter) After the end of Masopust is forty-day Lent Comes from Romanians

3 MASOPUST Festival of feast Dancing events Shambles Main day is fat thurday – big feasts Traditional events – Carnival group in villages Carnival means Masopust (=„meat gone")

4 Dance Sunday Beggining of celebrations Formal lunch -> short, because people went to Balls People also dance on square Dancing lasted all night

5 Carnival Monday Everyone dances and celebrates Balls are organised Only egaged people could come

6 Mask Tuesday Group of masks walk through a village Masks are carroling at every house Villagers give them food and drinks Everyone gets drunk

7 Carnival crew



10 Ash wednesday The end of the Carnival All celebrations stop by midnight Dancing after midnight causes bad luck

11 Fat Thursday After Fat Thursday is forty-day Lent until the start of Easter -> everybody should eat and drink much -> getting strenght for whole year

12 TRADITIONAL COSTUMES Most common costumes: - Bear in chains - Horse – costume for two people - Jew carrying a bag - Old woman with basket - Chimney-sweep - Billy-goat





17 PROVERBS Masopust na slunci - pomlázka u kamen. Masopust na slunci - pomlázka v senci. Svítí-li slunce o masopustě, bude pěkná pšenice a žito podzimní. Svítí-li slunce na bláznivé masopustní dni bude pěkná pšenice i žito. Konec masopustu jasný - len krásný. Krátký masopust - dlouhá zima. Na ostatky lužky - budou jabka, hrušky. Jaké jest masopustní úterý, taková bude Veliká noc. Bude-li příjemné povětří (v masopustní úterý), bude dosti hrachu. Teče-li v úterý masopustní voda kolejem, bude úrodný rok na len. Bude-li v úterý masopustní neb v středu (Popeleční) vítr aneb vichr, tehdy celý půst větrný bude.


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