Tutorial:Business Academy Topic: Conditional Formatting Prepared by : Mgr. Zdeněk Hrdina Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002.

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2 Tutorial:Business Academy Topic: Conditional Formatting Prepared by : Mgr. Zdeněk Hrdina Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

3  Conditional formatting refers to the cell format settings (i.e. font, shading, borders, etc.) on the basis of criteria relating to the values in the cells.  In the case of changes to the value in the cell, the format of the cell changes automatically.

4  Checking the error values - highlighting such values  Identifying the cells according to the type of cell values  Highlighting outliers, average values, etc.  Highlighting the rows or columns that contain the values

5  Before you set up conditional formatting, it is necessary to mark the cells for which we set.  Conditional formatting runs after clicking on the menu "conditional formatting" on the Home tab.  The first five tenders refers to a setting on the basis of values in the cell.

6  New rule-sets more detailed rules for the cells  Setup options: ◦ colour scales based on the value in a cell ◦ the largest (smallest) x (%) values ◦ below-or above average values

7  It allows you to configure the format of the cells for the entire rows/columns  If we want to set the format of the entire row on the basis of one of the values in the row, we must add a mixed reference (e.g., $ A2)  After setting the formula, there will be set the format of the cell which complies the condition

8  You can also set multiple conditional formatting rules for the same region (after clicking on manage rules in the introductory offer of conditional formatting)  In the case of copying cells with conditional formatting, conditional formatting will be copied as well

9  Resolve the task according to the assignment:  assignment.xlsx assignment.xlsx

10  BARILLA, Jiří, Pavel SIMR a Květuše SÝKOROVÁ. Microsoft Excel 2010: Podrobná uživatelská příručka. Brno: Computer Press, 2010. ISBN 978-80-251-3077-3.  WALKENBACH, John. Microsoft Excel - vzorce a funkce. Praha: Mobil Media a.s., 2001. ISBN 80-86593-01-0.  Microsoft Office. Podmíněné formátování– Excel 2007, 2010 [online]. 2011-09-10 [cit. 2011-12-27]. Available on: http://office.lasakovi.com/excel/formatovani/ms-excel- podminene-formatovani-2010/http://office.lasakovi.com/excel/formatovani/ms-excel- podminene-formatovani-2010/

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