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ZveřejnilVojta Veselý
Tutorial:Business Academy Topic: Conditional Formatting Prepared by : Mgr. Zdeněk Hrdina Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
Conditional formatting refers to the cell format settings (i.e. font, shading, borders, etc.) on the basis of criteria relating to the values in the cells. In the case of changes to the value in the cell, the format of the cell changes automatically.
Checking the error values - highlighting such values Identifying the cells according to the type of cell values Highlighting outliers, average values, etc. Highlighting the rows or columns that contain the values
Before you set up conditional formatting, it is necessary to mark the cells for which we set. Conditional formatting runs after clicking on the menu "conditional formatting" on the Home tab. The first five tenders refers to a setting on the basis of values in the cell.
New rule-sets more detailed rules for the cells Setup options: ◦ colour scales based on the value in a cell ◦ the largest (smallest) x (%) values ◦ below-or above average values
It allows you to configure the format of the cells for the entire rows/columns If we want to set the format of the entire row on the basis of one of the values in the row, we must add a mixed reference (e.g., $ A2) After setting the formula, there will be set the format of the cell which complies the condition
You can also set multiple conditional formatting rules for the same region (after clicking on manage rules in the introductory offer of conditional formatting) In the case of copying cells with conditional formatting, conditional formatting will be copied as well
Resolve the task according to the assignment: assignment.xlsx assignment.xlsx
BARILLA, Jiří, Pavel SIMR a Květuše SÝKOROVÁ. Microsoft Excel 2010: Podrobná uživatelská příručka. Brno: Computer Press, 2010. ISBN 978-80-251-3077-3. WALKENBACH, John. Microsoft Excel - vzorce a funkce. Praha: Mobil Media a.s., 2001. ISBN 80-86593-01-0. Microsoft Office. Podmíněné formátování– Excel 2007, 2010 [online]. 2011-09-10 [cit. 2011-12-27]. Available on: podminene-formatovani-2010/ podminene-formatovani-2010/
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