-Small Story about Jan Amos comenius in year 2013-

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1 -Small Story about Jan Amos comenius in year 2013-

2 ,,Ohh….what is it..?? It looks like sometinkg interesting… „

3 …5 minutes later…....Year 2013 What…? Whehe i‘m??

4 WOW..it‘s Prague … Year 2013….WHAT ????

5 what‘s happend with people and streets ?

6 Everything is different and people must solve problems with traffic, Environtment,Racism,violency,there is mutch smog and cars. I would help but I‘m not so strong. Is there a hero to help me?!

7  Solve – Vyřešit Strong –Silný Hero- Hrdina Help- Pomoc Interesting-Zajímavý Environmental-Životní prostředí Racism-Rasismus Violence-Násilý Street-Ulice

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