Tato prezentace je hrazena z projektu: Spolupráce s partnery – základ kvalitní odborné výuky Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0033.

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Prezentace na téma: "Tato prezentace je hrazena z projektu: Spolupráce s partnery – základ kvalitní odborné výuky Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0033."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Tato prezentace je hrazena z projektu: Spolupráce s partnery – základ kvalitní odborné výuky Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0033

2 Matouš Formánek L4 Jejkov Gate

3 City walls were one of important signs of a town and they gave feeling of safety to its inhabitants. Walls, three town gates and a town tower were a part of town fortifications. Picture 1 The town centre with three gates 1-Jihlava Gate, 2-Jejkov Gate, 3- Vienna Gate

4 Suburbs were fotified too. There were smaller gates you could get through. Nowadays there are only subtle remains of walls. The town gates were demolished during 19 th century because of spreading of the town. Remains of the fortifications

5 The gate, also called Brno Gate, was built after 1335. It was destroyed in 1468 when troops of Mathias Corvinus of Hungary conquered the town. The gate was rebuilt 10 years later. Jejkov gate Views from the Karlovo Square

6 Access to the gate was protected with a small fortifications with a little tower. There were residential premises above the Gate. As the last one of the Trebic gates, the Jejkov Gate was demolished between 1897 and 1898 because it was not wide enough.

7 There are sgraffiti of the Gate, both from the Square and from Jejkov,on the side wall of the Capek House.

8 View of the Gate from Jejkov

9 Current view

10 JOURA, Jiří. Procházky starou Třebíčí. Třebíč : Amaprint-Kerndl, s. r. o., 2000. 193 s. JOURA, Jiří. Portréty ze staré Třebíče LXVII. In Zpravodaj města Třebíče, 1980 HEDBÁVNÝ, Miroslav. Třebíčské pověsti a zajímavosti. Ilustrace Josef Dvořák. 2., rozšířené vyd. Třebíč : Akcent, 2005. 198 s. Used photos: Mr. M.Malousek´s archive Sources Matouš Formánek L4

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