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www.zlinskedum Název školyStřední odborná škola a Gymnázium Staré Město Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1007 AutorMgr. Roman Chovanec Název šablonyIII/2 – Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název DUMuEnvironment Stupeň a typ vzděláváníSŠ - Gymnázium Vzdělávací oblastCizí jazyk - anglický Vzdělávací obor79-41-K/41 Tematický okruhVšeobecná maturitní témata Druh učebního materiáluVýukový materiál Cílová skupinaŽák, 4.ročník AnotaceŽáci se seznámí s problematikou a slovní zásobou životního prostředí Vybavení, pomůcky- Klíčová slovaŽivotní prostředí, problémy, ochrana Datum6.9.2013 ENVIRONMENT
ENVIRONMENT Firstly, can you define this word? How would you describe it in your own words? The natural world, for example the land, water and air, in which ppl, animals and plants live happily together Example sentence??? We shoul care about the environment. ENVIRONMENT
Why did it become a hot issue of the last 20 years? People are more worried about the environment as a result of harmful (dangerous/damaging) effects of human activity. What are the main problems? Tell your partner about them ENVIRONMENT
What is this? The ozone layer A layer of gases which stop harmful radiation from the sun reaching the Earth. There are holes in parts of the layer. So, what´s the matter? What does it cause? skin cancer, eye damage, lower farm production ENVIRONMENT
What is this? GLOBAL WARMING The increase of air and water temperature around the world. Why does it happen? More than 90% scietists agree it is increase of CO2 What can happen? (extreme sudden changes), floods ENVIRONMENT
This must be GREENHOUSE EFFECT How does it work? When the atmosphere gets too hot. Air warmed by the sun gets trapped close to the ground and cannot escape. What is the cause of it? Basically it it the air pollution caused by human activity. ENVIRONMENT
RAINFORESTS What are they? Thick forests in tropical parts of the world (lots of rain) Why do we need to talk about them? They produce O2, homes of plants and animals. They catch water (clouds), roots keep water and soil in place (floods). Pls, stop cutting them! ENVIRONMENT
DUMPING Let´s talk now about DUMPING. Sb surly knows what it is. So?? Throwing away unwanted material (industrial waste, trash, rubbish,..) in an unsuitable place. E.g.? 2 nd meaning – take a dump, be down in the dumps Do you dump in appropriate places? Why (not)? ENVIRONMENT
RECYCLING What is it? Do you do it? What is it good 4? To sort out the waste (put it in special bins). What do you recycle? PLASTIC WASTE BIO WASTE PAPER GLASS OTHER??? ENVIRONMENT
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