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ZveřejnilPavla Janečková
Obchodní akademie, Ostrava-Poruba, příspěvková organizace Vzdělávací materiál/DUM Businessland / Body Language – Pretending, Lying 06B19 AutorLadislava Pechová Období vytvořeníLeden 2014 Ročník/věková kategorie3.r., 17-18 let Vyučovací předmět/klíčová slova Reveal, deceive, observer, sharp contrast, body language, face muscles, pupils, sweating, Grand Jury, „neck scratch“, „collar pull“. Anotace Tento celek je pokračováním předchozí lekce o řeči těla – věnujeme se zde předstírání a lhaní. Zkušený pozorovatel často může odhalit drobné signály, kdy naše řeč těla není v souladu s tím, co říkáme. V obchodním styku může být takováto informace velmi cenná.
Body Language – Pretending, Lying
Pretending, lying If you are a businessman, it is a big advantage, if you are able to reveal an attempt to deceive you. If you are a good observer, you can often see a sharp contrast between the body language and what the person is saying. This brings you to thinking about why is the person NOT telling the truth? What and why is he hiding?
What happens when lying? it reflects in „microgestures“ it makes you nervous you start feeling uncomfortable When you are lying
What happens when lying? „Microgestures“ means tiny changes in your face: (often involuntary) - face muscles - pupils - sweating - getting red - blinking (even 10-50 times a minute)
What happens when lying? What do small children do when they are lying? They try to hide their face. The adults do the same but in a bit hidden form: - hide their mouth behind the palm - coughing - touch their nose - rub their eyes - rub their ears
Bill Clinton was lying about his sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky in front of the Grand Jury: Obr.1 Obr.2 Obr.3
Bill Clinton lying - „neck scratch“ - „ the collar pull“ - during this questioning he was touching his nose very often – once every 4 minutes – during the questioning he made 26 touches! When he tells the truth – he never touches his nose
Lying It is easier to lie - when sitting behind the table or desk – you can hide your body Nervousness can be observed in „unrest“ – you are playing with a pencil, a cigarette It is usual to try to hide your hands – in the pocket + play with coins, keys
Lying Your feet and legs are restless as well – - if you are not sure if someone is lying – have a look at his feet. - It is much easier to lie via telephone or writing an e-mail than speaking face-to-face.
Bibliography THORNE,T., LEES,G. English on Business. London, England: Chancerel Publishers Limited, 1985. ISBN 80-85333-00-7. s. 66 - 67.
Sources: Obr.1, 2, 3: AUTHOR UNKNOWN. bill clinton lying [online]. [cit. 21.1.2014]. Dostupný na WWW: 3&bih=606&q=bill+clinton+lying&oq=bill+clinton 3&bih=606&q=bill+clinton+lying&oq=bill+clinton
The end of course No.19 Thank you for your attention. Ladislava Pechová
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