Modelování stoku přívalových srážek v povodí

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1 Modelování stoku přívalových srážek v povodí
Autor: Stanislav Žitník Vedoucí práce: doc. Ing. Petr Rapant, CSc.

2 Namodelovat spad a odtok srážek s krokem jeden den.
Úkoly Šumava diplomové práce: Povodeň 2002 Praha Vytvořit DMR povodí. Provést analýzu drenážní sítě. Namodelovat spad a odtok srážek s krokem jeden den. Porovnat max. předpokládaný průtok Prahou se skutečností.

3 Povodeň Zimní povodeň Dešťová prvého typu Dešťová druhého typu
je způsobena: zvětšením průtoků zmenšením průtočnosti koryta

4 Meteorologický model This slide presents the methodology followed for floodplain mapping. The approach is based on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a hydrologic model and a hydraulic model. An informal definition of GIS would be a software which allows you to have graphical representations of features with associated information stored in a database. This give you a powerful tool that can be used in very different fields including hydrology and hydraulics. A hydrologic model would convert a flow discharge along the streams existing in that area. Finally, a hydraulic model lets you determine the elevation of the water flowing through a channel/river given a certain discharge. We start with some digital spatial data in GIS and use it – by means of the GIS-based application CRWR-PrePro – to delineate watersheds and develop watershed parameters for hydrologic modeling – in this case HEC Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) –. After adding precipitation data, you run the hydrologic model and determine the flow values corresponding to different amounts of rain fallen in a given area. These flow values can be then entered into the hydraulic model – in this case HEC River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) – to generate water elevation values . But first you need to input some geometric data into the hydraulic model. This geometric information is extracted from a very detailed digital representation of the terrain in GIS. The application used to link GIS and HEC-RAS is called AVRas. AVRas extracts the information contained in the TIN, exports it into HEC-RAS, reads the results of the hydraulic model and represent the flooded areas.

5 Příčiny povodně roku 2002 Vb Vc Va Vd 8. 13. 12. 7. 6. 5. 11. 10.
This slide presents the methodology followed for floodplain mapping. The approach is based on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a hydrologic model and a hydraulic model. An informal definition of GIS would be a software which allows you to have graphical representations of features with associated information stored in a database. This give you a powerful tool that can be used in very different fields including hydrology and hydraulics. A hydrologic model would convert a flow discharge along the streams existing in that area. Finally, a hydraulic model lets you determine the elevation of the water flowing through a channel/river given a certain discharge. We start with some digital spatial data in GIS and use it – by means of the GIS-based application CRWR-PrePro – to delineate watersheds and develop watershed parameters for hydrologic modeling – in this case HEC Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) –. After adding precipitation data, you run the hydrologic model and determine the flow values corresponding to different amounts of rain fallen in a given area. These flow values can be then entered into the hydraulic model – in this case HEC River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) – to generate water elevation values . But first you need to input some geometric data into the hydraulic model. This geometric information is extracted from a very detailed digital representation of the terrain in GIS. The application used to link GIS and HEC-RAS is called AVRas. AVRas extracts the information contained in the TIN, exports it into HEC-RAS, reads the results of the hydraulic model and represent the flooded areas.

6 Meteorologická předpověď
Výsledky předpovědních modelů z předních evropských center a regionálních modelů Družicové snímky Data z radarů Data z pozorovacích stanic Znalosti a zkušenosti meteorologa This slide presents the methodology followed for floodplain mapping. The approach is based on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a hydrologic model and a hydraulic model. An informal definition of GIS would be a software which allows you to have graphical representations of features with associated information stored in a database. This give you a powerful tool that can be used in very different fields including hydrology and hydraulics. A hydrologic model would convert a flow discharge along the streams existing in that area. Finally, a hydraulic model lets you determine the elevation of the water flowing through a channel/river given a certain discharge. We start with some digital spatial data in GIS and use it – by means of the GIS-based application CRWR-PrePro – to delineate watersheds and develop watershed parameters for hydrologic modeling – in this case HEC Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) –. After adding precipitation data, you run the hydrologic model and determine the flow values corresponding to different amounts of rain fallen in a given area. These flow values can be then entered into the hydraulic model – in this case HEC River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) – to generate water elevation values . But first you need to input some geometric data into the hydraulic model. This geometric information is extracted from a very detailed digital representation of the terrain in GIS. The application used to link GIS and HEC-RAS is called AVRas. AVRas extracts the information contained in the TIN, exports it into HEC-RAS, reads the results of the hydraulic model and represent the flooded areas. Meteorologická předpověď Střednědobá Krátkodobá

7 Hydrologický model This slide presents the methodology followed for floodplain mapping. The approach is based on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a hydrologic model and a hydraulic model. An informal definition of GIS would be a software which allows you to have graphical representations of features with associated information stored in a database. This give you a powerful tool that can be used in very different fields including hydrology and hydraulics. A hydrologic model would convert a flow discharge along the streams existing in that area. Finally, a hydraulic model lets you determine the elevation of the water flowing through a channel/river given a certain discharge. We start with some digital spatial data in GIS and use it – by means of the GIS-based application CRWR-PrePro – to delineate watersheds and develop watershed parameters for hydrologic modeling – in this case HEC Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) –. After adding precipitation data, you run the hydrologic model and determine the flow values corresponding to different amounts of rain fallen in a given area. These flow values can be then entered into the hydraulic model – in this case HEC River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) – to generate water elevation values . But first you need to input some geometric data into the hydraulic model. This geometric information is extracted from a very detailed digital representation of the terrain in GIS. The application used to link GIS and HEC-RAS is called AVRas. AVRas extracts the information contained in the TIN, exports it into HEC-RAS, reads the results of the hydraulic model and represent the flooded areas.

8 Hydrologický model Srážko-Odtokový proces SRÁŽKY POVRCHOVÝ ODTOK

9 Parametry srážko-odtokového procesu
Dynamické: Srážky Množství srážek Výpar Intenzita srážek Posléze předchozí srážky Infiltrace Povrchový odtok Statické: Plocha povodí Povrchová akumulace Průsak Sklon svahů Půda Hustota sítě toků Hypodermický odtok Hornina Infiltrační dispozice Horní limit nasycení Povrchový odtok Vodní díla, jezera Podzemní voda Základní odtok

10 Podklady hydrologických parametrů
- plocha povodí - reliéf povrchu - síť vodních toků - vodní nádrže - sníženiny reliéfu způsob využití pozemku ZM ČR 10 resp. ZABAGED Půdní mapa Hydrogeologická mapa ČGS, VÚMOP - půda geologická stavba povodí

11 Modelování povodně prostředky HEC
HEC-HMS HEC-RAS Časové data toku HEC-GeoHMS Profily hladiny vody Návrh parametrů Příčné profily HEC-GeoRas CRWR-PrePro ArcView This slide presents the methodology followed for floodplain mapping. The approach is based on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a hydrologic model and a hydraulic model. An informal definition of GIS would be a software which allows you to have graphical representations of features with associated information stored in a database. This give you a powerful tool that can be used in very different fields including hydrology and hydraulics. A hydrologic model would convert a flow discharge along the streams existing in that area. Finally, a hydraulic model lets you determine the elevation of the water flowing through a channel/river given a certain discharge. We start with some digital spatial data in GIS and use it – by means of the GIS-based application CRWR-PrePro – to delineate watersheds and develop watershed parameters for hydrologic modeling – in this case HEC Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) –. After adding precipitation data, you run the hydrologic model and determine the flow values corresponding to different amounts of rain fallen in a given area. These flow values can be then entered into the hydraulic model – in this case HEC River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) – to generate water elevation values . But first you need to input some geometric data into the hydraulic model. This geometric information is extracted from a very detailed digital representation of the terrain in GIS. The application used to link GIS and HEC-RAS is called AVRas. AVRas extracts the information contained in the TIN, exports it into HEC-RAS, reads the results of the hydraulic model and represent the flooded areas.

12 78 72 69 71 58 DMR 74 67 56 49 46 69 53 44 37 38 64 58 55 22 31 68 61 47 21 16 Ukázka DMR ARC ČR 500

13 Směr proudění Kódování směrů Ukázka směru toku 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 2

14 Akumulace vody v toku Ukázka akumulace vody v toku 1 1 2 1 3 8 5 2 1 1
1 1 2 1 3 8 5 2 1 1 20 1 24 Ukázka akumulace vody v toku

15 Říční síť Ukázka říční sítě Proces vyplňování prohlubní

16 Řeky a povodí modelovaného území

17 HEC-GeoHMS schéma povodí

18 HEC-HMS model povodí

19 HEC-HMS elementy povodí
Řeky Vodní nádrže Soutoky řek Diverze z řek Přítoky Odtok HEC-HMS elementy povodí

20 HEC-HMS data Specifikace dat HEC-HMS
Definice časových informací. HEC-HMS Data povodí Definice hydrologických prvků systému. Data srážek Definice hypotetických srážek v místě a čase.

21 Odtok řekou Analýza toku - po povrchu (SCS) - řekou (Muskignum) Srážky
Povrchový odtok Odtok řekou As I already mentioned, HEC-HMS determines the flow values corresponding to different amounts of rain fallen in a given area. The model divides a watershed into subbasins. It converts an amount of rain into runoff at the exist of each sub-basin, and routes this runoff along the reaches until the outlet of the watershed. The model supports different methods for calculating infiltration/runoff, transforming this runoff into a flow at the exit of each sub-basin, and routing this flow. The required parameters were obtained from GIS. Watersheds and reaches are attributed with hydrologic parameters and stored in tables. The model also requires information related to the precipitation (100 year hypothetical storm) and some to specify the duration of the simulation and also the time interval of the calculations. You can calculate the discharge at a particular location and plot the corresponding hydrograph and use this information as the input flow data in HEC-RAS.

22 Výpočet odtoku srážek z povodí SCS metodou
(ACRANi - IA)2 ACEXSi = ACRANi – IA + R ACEXSi velikost odtoku v součtu od počátku události po časový interval i (mm) ACRANi velikost srážky v součtu od počátku události po časový interval i R maximální retence povodí IA počáteční ztráta na povodí R = (25400 – 254 x CN) / CN IA = n × R kde n = 0,2 Čas odtoku srážek z povodí 0,7 tp: čas zpoždění (min) L: délka nejdelšího odtoku (m) S: sklon nejdelšího odtoku (%) CN: průměrný Curve Number (70) 1000 100L0, CN tp = 1900S0,5

23 Výpočet odtoku vody řekou Muskignum metodou
S: akumulace v řece K: čas odtoku v řece (součinitel úměrnosti) X: parametr akumulace I: přítok do řeky Q: výtok z řeky ∆t: časový krok analýzy Ls: délka řeky (m) Vs: rychlost v řece (m/s) dS = I - Q dt S = [XI + (1 - X) Q] v klínu Průtok Přítok I v hranolu Výtok Q

24 Vypočtené průtoky Prahou
(SCS + Muskignum) Pro Muskignum X = 0,4 Maximální průtok Prahou je očekáván dne 14.8. 3 638,1 m3/s X = 0,5 Maximální průtok Prahou je očekáván dne 14.8. 4 079,9 m3/s Skutečný průtok = m3/s

25 Vypočtené průtoky Prahou
(Initial/Const + Muskignum) Pro Muskignum X = 0,4 Maximální průtok Prahou v průběhu 2. povodňové vlny je očekáván dne 14.8. 5 039,9 m3/s X = 0,5 Maximální průtok Prahou v průběhu 2. povodňové vlny je očekáván dne 14.8. 5 729,7 m3/s Skutečný průtok = m3/s

26 HEC-RAS GeoRAS ArcView
Geometrická data HEC-RAS Data toku Data plánu ArcView

27 Použitý software: Datové zdroje: ArcView 3.2 HEC-PrePro 2.0
HEC-GeoHMS 3.1 HEC-HMS 2.2.2 HEC-RAS 3.1 HEC-GeoRAS 3.1 Datové zdroje: DMR (ARC ČR500) Průměrný denní úhrn srážek od 6. do (ČHMÚ) Časové záznamy průtoků hydrologickou sítí Vltavy

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