Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0266 Číslo materiáluVY_32_INOVACE_ZeE_AJ_4.OA,E,L_02 Autor Mgr. Eva Zemanová Tematický celekAnglický jazyk – využívání.

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Prezentace na téma: "Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0266 Číslo materiáluVY_32_INOVACE_ZeE_AJ_4.OA,E,L_02 Autor Mgr. Eva Zemanová Tematický celekAnglický jazyk – využívání."— Transkript prezentace:


2 Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0266 Číslo materiáluVY_32_INOVACE_ZeE_AJ_4.OA,E,L_02 Autor Mgr. Eva Zemanová Tematický celekAnglický jazyk – využívání on-line slovníků a testů Ročník 4. Datum tvorby 11. 11. 2012 Anotace Prezentace je určena pro výuku anglického jazyka k procvičení maturitního okruhu English speaking countries – Australia. Prezentaci je možno využít i u nižších ročníků ke zpestření výuky, kdykoliv se v učebnicích objeví zmínka o anglicky mluvících zemích. Metodický pokyn Na základě informací k tématu Australia, které studenti získají z učebnic, reagují při prezentaci samostatně na otázky a úkoly k tématu s využitím mapy a obrázků. Studenti rovněž procvičují využívání on-line slovníků.

3 Australia 1

4 What is the Commonwealth of Nations? Where is Australia located? What are the 3 major regions of Australia? What is the climate like? What is the surface of Australia like? What do you know about the history of Australia? Who were the original inhabitants? What are the typical animals and plants? What is the political system in Australia and how is the country divided? What is the capital? What are the biggest cities of Australia? What are the main industries and mineral resources? What are some typical Australian sports ?

5 Describe the Australian flag 2

6 Fill in the gaps with correct words: Australia is the only country which is also a ……1……. It consists of six ……..2……. and two …..3……..In the west there is ….4….. Australia with the city of …..5…...In the south and middle is ……6….. Australia with city of …..7…... ……8…… lies in the tropical north-eastern part of Australia. The most populous state is New South …..9…..lying in the south east corner.The largest city of Australia …10…….is there. To the south os this state is …..11….., the second smallest state, with the city of …12…….. …..13…., an island state, is the smallest of all. Australia also has two main land territories - …..12…. Territory in the north and centre of Australia which is the least populated, and Australian ….13….. Territory – the capital city of …….14…….

7 Give some basic information about these places: ab c d 3 4 65

8 Do you know these Australian animals? a b c d 7 8 910

9 Choose the correct answer: 1/Who reached the eastern coast in 1770 and explored Botany Bay? a/Jim Cook b/ James Cook c/ John Cook 2/ The original inhabitants of Australia were: a/ Maori b/ Indians c/ Aborigines 3/ The settlement of Australia began in: a/ 1788 b/ 1688 c/ 1888 4/ The original inhabitants of Australia were: a/ b/c/ 11 1213 12

10 Translate using on-line dictionary: desert coastal areas plain fertile soil heavily populated discover explore settlement mineral resources mining cattle and sheep breeding

11 Řešení Fill in the gaps with correct words: Australia is the only country which is also a …continent. It consists of six …states.. and two …territories…..In the west there is …. Western. Australia with the city of …Perth..In the south and middle is …South.. Australia with city of …Adelaide... …Queensland.. lies in the tropical north-eastern part of Australia. The most populous state is New South …Wales..lying in the south east corner.The largest city of Australia …Sydney….is there. To the south of this state is …Victoria.., the second smallest state, with the city of …Melbourne.. ….. Tasmania., an island state, is the smallest of all. Australia also has two main land territories - ….. Northern. Territory in the north and centre of Australia which is the least populated, and Australian …. Capital.. Territory – the capital city of ……Canberra…. Give some basic information about these places: a/ Sydney Opera House b/ Ayers Rock c/ Queensland Sunshine Coast d/ Great Barrier Reef Do you know these Australian animals? a/ kangaroo b/ koala bear c/ platypus d/ echidna Choose the correct answer: 1/Who reached the eastern coast in 1770 and explored Botany Bay? a/Jim Cook b/ James Cook c/ John Cook 2/ The original inhabitants of Australia were: a/ Maori b/ Indians c/ Aborigines 3/ The settlement of Australia began in: a/ 1788 b/ 1688 c/ 1888 4/ The original inhabitants of Australia were: a Translate using on-line dictionary: desert - poušť explore - prozkoumat coastal areas - pobřežní oblasti settlement - osídlení plain - planina mineral resources - nerostné suroviny fertile soil - úrodná půda mining - těžba heavily populated - hustě obydlený cattle and sheep breeding - chov dobytka a ovcí discover - objevit

12 Použité zdroje 1.Austrália – všeobecnogeografická mapa. [cit. 11. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://www.globusy.sk/info.php?product=australia-novy- zeland-mapa&i=12 2. Vlajka Autstálie. [cit. 11. 11. 2102]. Dostupné na: http://www.vlajky-statu.cz/vlajka_nahled.php?id_vlajka=10&rozmer=1100 3.Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. [cit. 11. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/about/media/photo_gallery.aspx 4. Bez názvu. [cit. 11. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/AUSayersrock.htm 5. Sunshine Coast. [cit. 11. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/5203146 6.Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. [cit. 11. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/australia/images/23340497/title/great-barrier-reef-marine-park-queensland-wallpaper 7.Chapman, Nicki, Roo you looking at? [cit. 11. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/holidaytypeshub/article-http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/holidaytypeshub/article- 620814/Australia-Feeling-wanted-Down-Under.html 8. Bez názvu. [cit. 11. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://gardenofeaden.blogspot.cz/2012/08/is-koala-bear-bear.html 9. Bez názvu. [cit. 11. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://www.amamoorlodge.com/platypus-wildlife-spotting 10.Short-beaked Echidna Tasmania. [cit. 11. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://nn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fil:Short-http://nn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fil:Short- beaked_Echidna_Tasmania.jpg 11. Bez názvu. [cit. 11. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://www.sunexpressnews.com/aborigines-were-first-explorers 12. Indiáni z kmene Navajo. [cit. 11. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://strategie.e15.cz/zpravy/americky-kmen-navaju-zaluje-odevni- firmu-urban-outfitters-748092/galerie?id=99469 13. Maori haka. [cit. 11. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: /http://maorimatau.blogspot.cz/2010_11_01_archive.html

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