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ZveřejnilValerie Vaňková
Cumulative tests Tenses Phrases
Put the verbs into the correct form I need a rest. I _______ (run) all morning! John isn´t here. He _______ (go) to the bank. I _______ (drive) to work when a cat ran in front of my car. _______ (you / used to) travel a lot when you were younger? They expected (be) late. When I was a student I _______ (live) in London for a year. If we _______ (not help) her, she’ll be upset! It was great to get a letter from Jane yesterday. I _______ (not hear) from her for ages. Look, I______________ (write) 10 letters this morning. You are late. Where ___________(you/be) ?
Results I need a rest. I have been running all morning! John isn´t here. He has gone to the bank. I was driving to work when a cat ran in front of my car. Did you use to travel a lot when you were younger? They expected to be late. When I was a student I lived in London for a year. If we don´t help her, she’ll be upset! It was great to get a letter from Jane yesterday. I hadn´t heard from her for ages. Look, I have written 10 letters this morning. You are late. Where have you been ?
Prepositions I usually spend money ____ clothes. My brother is responsible ____ all the mess. I am keen _____ travelling by train. This street is similar ____ the one I used to live. The Prague Castle was crowded ____ tourists yesterday. Pilsen is famous ________ its beer. This picture is quite different _____ the other. Have you ever wasted money _____ anything?
I usually spend money on clothes. My brother is responsible for all the mess. I am keen on travelling by train. This street is similar to the one I used to live. The Prague Castle was crowded with tourists yesterday. Pilsen is famous for its beer. This picture is quite different from the other. Have you ever wasted money on anything?
Translate Nikdy nezapomenu, jak jsem žil jako student v Římě. Nejsme dost bohatí na to, abychom cestovali každé léto do ciziny. Nemohla jsem si nic koupit, protože jsem ztratila kreditní kartu. Většina lidí si myslí, že angličtina je těžší než němčina. Mám raději hory než moře. Kéž bych měla deštník. Už zase prší.
Possible answers I´ll never forget living in Rome as a student. We aren´t rich enough to travel abroad every summer. I couldn´t buy anything because I´d lost my credit card. Most people think (that) English is more difficult than German. I prefer mountains to the sea. I wish I had an umbrella. It´s raining again.
Zdroje Mluvnické okruhy Maturita Solutions Intermediate Archiv autora
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