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the British Commonwealth

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Prezentace na téma: "the British Commonwealth"— Transkript prezentace:

1 the British Commonwealth
2.stupeň Autor: Mgr.Radek Hasch, Masarykova ZŠ Plzeň Projekt "EU peníze školám", registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky

2 Anotace Anotace-Učební materiál slouží k seznámení s reáliemi Britského společenství národů. Autor-Mgr. Radek Hasch Jazyk-Angličtina Očekávaný výstup-Poznání nových míst ve světě Klíčová slova-Interesting places Druh učebního materiálu-Prezentace Druh interaktivity-Aktivita Cílová skupina-Žák 7. – 9. ročníku Stupeň a typ vzdělávání-základní vzdělávání – druhý stupeň Typická věková skupina let Celková velikost-553 kB

3 British Commonwealth

4 The British Commonwealth of Nations is an intergovernmental organisation of 54 independent member states. In the past almost all these states were the colonies of British Empire. Since 19th century the British colonies became independent and British Empire started changing. The British Commonwealth was established in 1926 by Balfour Declaration.

5 The symbol of this free association is the Head of The Commonwealth currently held by British queen Elisabeth II.

6 Members of the Commonwealth
Presently, of the states that are members of the Commonwealth of Nations, three are in Europe, twelve in North America, one in South America, nineteen in Africa, eight in Asia, and eleven in Oceania. The members have a population of 2.2 billion people, almost a third of the world population.

7 Canada It is the second largest country in the world after Russia.
The capital is Ottawa. Its official head is the British queen represented by the Governor-General. Since 1965 the country has had its own national flag.

8 Australia It is the smallest continent in the world.
There are about 18 million inhabitants, the majority are of British origin, the original inhabitants are the Aborigines. The capital is Canberra. It is a dominion with the British queen as the head of the country.

9 India It si the second most populous country with over 1.2 billion people. In 1947 India became independent country thanks the independence movement of Mahatma Gandhi. India is a federation and its head is the President. The capital is Delhi.

10 Canada Australia India

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