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ZveřejnilStanislava Slavíková
Prezentace byla vytvořena v rámci projektu Podpora moderních forem výuky na ZŠ Libereckého kraje Fruit and vegetables 3. ročník Mgr. Alena Hejnová ZŠ Broumovská, Liberec
Fruit and vegetables
Exercise Fruit - red Vegetables - blue This is fruit. This is a vegetable.
onions strawberry bananas apple orange pear beans potatoes tomato plum carrots peas grapes cucumbers
Fruit strawberry bananas pear plum apple grapes orange
What is it and what colour is it ? Bananas are yellow. Grapes are green. An apple is red. A pear is green. A plum is purple. An orange is orange. A strawberry is red.
Fruit and vegetables onions strawberry bananas apple orange pear beans potatoes tomato plum carrots peas grapes cucumbers
Vegetables onions carrotstomatocucumberspotatoesbeanspeas
What is it and how many pieces are there? There are two onions. There are six peas. There are five cucumbers. There are thirteen potatoes. There are two beans. There are six carrots. There is one tomato.
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