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Practice Vocabulary and your MEMORY and your MEMORY.

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Prezentace na téma: "Practice Vocabulary and your MEMORY and your MEMORY."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Practice Vocabulary and your MEMORY and your MEMORY

2 Fruit and vegetables Task 1: Task 1: You have one minute. Look at the pictures of fruit and vegetables carefully. Try to remember all of them.

3 Fruit and vegetables

4 Task 2: Task 2: Look at the pictures again. One piece of fruit or vegetables is missing. Can you quess which one? Fruit and vegetables


6 Task 3: Task 3: Do you remember all fruit and vegetables in the picture? Can you name them? Animals

7 Match the pictures bellow with the correct expression: a pepper a strawberry a banana a pear a carrot a pineapple a melona lemon a tomato a potato a cabbage a peach an apple a onion a cucumber

8 Translate the following questions: Translate the following questions: 1. Jaký je tvůj oblíbený druh ovoce? 2. Jaký je její oblíbený druh zeleniny? 3. Mají opice rády banány? 4. Patří jahody mezi ovoce nebo zeleninu? 5. Je citrón kyselý? 6. Jakou barvu mají jablka? 7. Pěstujete doma rajčata? 8. Jaká zelenina je dobrá pro naše oči? 9. Je hruška exotické ovoce? 10. Jak často jíš ovoce nebo zeleninu? Fruit and vegetables

9 Solution Solution: 1. What is your favourite kind of fruit? 2. What is her favourite kind of vegetable? 3. Do monkeys like bananas? 4. Do strawberries belong to fruit or vegetables? 5. Is lemons sour? 6. What colour are apples? 7. Do you grow tomatoes at home? 8. What kind of vegetable is good for our eyes? 9. Is pear an exotic fruit? 10. How often do you eat fruit or vegetables? Fruit and vegetables

10 Resources: Fruit and vegetables.jpg, 6.11. 2012, 13:35, fruits-vector/

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