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Order Refusal and Cancellation of Orders Centrum pro virtuální a moderní metody a formy vzdělávání na Obchodní akademii T.G. Masaryka, Kostelec nad Orlicí.

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Prezentace na téma: "Order Refusal and Cancellation of Orders Centrum pro virtuální a moderní metody a formy vzdělávání na Obchodní akademii T.G. Masaryka, Kostelec nad Orlicí."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Order Refusal and Cancellation of Orders Centrum pro virtuální a moderní metody a formy vzdělávání na Obchodní akademii T.G. Masaryka, Kostelec nad Orlicí

2 Refusing an order - vocabulary reject, refusezrušení turn down, decline postpone the executionodložit vyřízení make out the documentvystavit doklad neglect the executionzanedbat vyřízení of an orderobjednávky issues of documentsvystavení dokladů

3 Reasons for refusing an order There are a lot of reasons for a company to refuse an order. The most common are: 1.Out of stock 2.Bad reputation 3.Unfavourable terms  Delivery  Discount  Payment 4.Size of order

4 Refusing an order – vazby a fráze We no longer manufacture this product as demand over the past few years has declined. Toto zboží již nevyrábíme, neboť poptávka během posledních pár let rapidně poklesla. The requested goods are, unfortunately, no longer produced, so we have to turn down your order. Požadované zboží se již bohužel nevyrábí, proto musíme odmítnout vaši objednávku.

5 Refusing an order – vazby a fráze As our plant is closing for the summer vacation we would not be able to process your order for the date you have given. Therefore, regretfully, we have to decline it. Protože se naše továrna vzhledem k letním dovolené zavírá, nebudeme schopni vyřídit vaši objednávku k dohodnutému datu. A proto s politováním vaši objednávku odmítáme.

6 Refusing an order – vzorový dopis Mr E van Gellen 131 Place Roget B-1210 Brussels Belgium 11 January 20… Dear Mr. van Gallen, Thank you for your order No. HU14449, which we received today. Unfortunately, we cannot offer the 35 per cent trade discount you asked for, 25 per cent is our maximal discount, even on large orders, as our prices are extremely competitive. Therefore, in this instance, I regret that we have to turn down your order. Yours sincerely, D. York SP Wholesalers PLC Old Meadow Road King‘s Lynn Norfolk PE30 45W UK

7 Refusing an order - practice Translate the following letter: Vážený pane Browne, je nám velice líto, že musíme zrušit naši objednávku č. AD/155 z 14. března 2011. Protože nás náš zákazník informoval, že kuchyňské sporáky (kitchen ranges) již nebude potřebovat, nezbývá nám nic jiného, než zrušit naši objednávku. Doufáme, že jste naši objednávku ještě nevyřizovali, a pokud ano, že budete mít možnost prodat kompletované sporáky někde jinde. Jsme přesvědčeni, že vám budeme moci vynahradit ztrátu způsobenou touto objednávkou, protože náš zákazník již přislíbil předložení velké objednávky na jiné druhy ze sortimentu vašich výrobků. Potvrďte nám prosím toto storno co nejdříve. S přátelským pozdravem John Doe obchodní zástupce

8 Refusing an order - practice Translation: Dear Mr. Brown, We are sorry to inform you that we have to cancel our order No. AD/155 of 14 March 2011. As our customer has just informed us that the kitchen ranges are no longer needed, we have no alternative but to cancel our order. We hope that the order has not yet been put in hand, or, if it has, that you can dispose of the completed kitchen ranges on another market. We are confident that we will be able to compensate you for the loss of this order, as our customer has promised to place a substantial order for the articles in your range of products. Please confirm the above cancellation as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, John Doe Sales Manager

9 Refusing an order - practice Translate the word in brackets and fill in the gaps 1.We reserve the right __________ (odmítnout) to take delivery if the terms are not kept. 2.Please __________ (zrušit) all items that cannot be delivered _______________________ (do konce měsíce). 3.We are sorry not to be able to ___________________ (přijmout vaši objednávku) as our stock is completely __________ (vyprodat). 4.We have not yet __________ (potvrdit) this order as we did not receive your shipping ___________ (instrukce). 5.We will __________ (odmítnout) our order if the goods are not delivered within two weeks. to decline cancel by the end of the month to accept your order sold out confirmed instructions turn down

10 Refusing an order - practice 6.As you have failed to deliver within ________________ (stanovená lhůta), we have no alternative but to cancel our order. 7.We regret that we are unable to recognize the ____________ (zrušení) of the order. 8.As we have full order books at present, we are sorry to inform you that we must __________ (odmítnout) your order. 9.Delivery cannot possibly be __________ (zaručeno) within the time given in your letter. 10.Unfortunatelly, we shall have to __________ (odmítnout) your order unless __________ (platba) is settled in cash. specified time cancellation decline guaranteed turn down payment

11 Match the sentences column A with similar meanings in column B Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to suppy an order as large as this. We don‘t make this product now because people don‘t buy enough of it. We can‘t let you have 15% off because we price our products as cheaply as possible. We can‘t sell you anything unless you pay cash. There‘s no way we can deliver in such a short time. We cannot offer the discount you suggest as our profit margins are extremely low. We have stopped manufacturing this product as there is no longer sufficient demand. We can‘t possibly fill this huge order: it‘s more than our total output for at least six months! We regret that we would only be prepared to supply on cash basis. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee delivery within five working days.

12 Použité prameny Ashley, A.: Oxford handbook of commercial correspondence, Oxford 2003 Anglická obchodní korespondence Milena Bočánková, Iva Hedvábná, Miroslav Kalina, Ekopress, 2004 Write It Right! Anglická obchodní korespondence, David Clarke, Dieter Wessels, Fraus 2009

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