Martina Vrzáčková.  Vysočina is a very beautiful region.  Here we have clean forests, wonderful animals and pure nature.  Our Region is exceptional.

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Prezentace na téma: "Martina Vrzáčková.  Vysočina is a very beautiful region.  Here we have clean forests, wonderful animals and pure nature.  Our Region is exceptional."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Martina Vrzáčková

2  Vysočina is a very beautiful region.  Here we have clean forests, wonderful animals and pure nature.  Our Region is exceptional – everything is unique.  A geographical center of the Czech Republic is located here.  There are some sculptures by Michal Olšiak in the vicinity of Žďár nad Sázavou.  In Vysočina region there are spectacular natural and cultural unique objects.

3  The geographical center of the Czech Republic in Číhošť:  In 2006 a special monument was unveiled here.  The whole vicinity of the monument is prepared for visitors.

4  11 December 1949 a cross on the main altar moved.  It was seen by 19 people and a priest learned about it after a few days.  Josef Toufar - a local priest - was interrogated and eventually tortured to death.  There is a monument in Číhošť in his honour. „ Bůh ukázal, že je skutečně, že je mezi námi, že kněz musí si býti vědom svého posvátného úřadu, že právě při slovech "zde je ve svatostánku" dal vychýlením svatého kříže souhlas, že je to pravda.“

5  Michal Olšiak began his career a few years ago and he embellished the landscape in the vicinity of Žďár nad Sázavou with interesting, bizarre and monumental sculptures.  He was inspired by the world of animals associated with various legends or local names.

6  Jaroslav Hašek died in Lipnice nad Sázavou.  In a metaphorical abbreviation here we can get information about the privacy of the people (the interception, setting and monitoring).  A sculptor Radomír Dvořák is the author of three monuments – „Bretschneider´s Ear“, „Mouth of Truth“ and „Golden Eyes“

7  Vysočina Region boasts about several interesting sights (e.g. in Vilémovice there is the oldest tree (a yew) in the Czech Republic).  Vysočina has its charm and a lot of beautiful places.  For me, Vysočina is the most beautiful region of all.

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