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Presentation-Marek Pavlíček
LONDON-UK Presentation-Marek Pavlíček
sights BIG BEN- The tower was built, designed by Charles Barry in the reconstruction after the fire of the original Palace of Westminster, which broke out on the 16th října 1834th The tower is designed in the Victorian Gothic style, and is 96.3 meters high (315 ft). Tower to a height of 61 m is built of brick paved stone. Another part of the tower is a steel reinforced structures. Tower foundations are solid concrete thickness of 3 mo dimensions of 15 * 15 mA reach a depth of 7 m below the surface. Weight towers is estimated at 8,667 tons. The four clock faces are located at a height of 55 m above the ground. Soil conditions at the time of construction, this tower leans about 220 mm in the northwest. Due to the thermal effect also oscillates annually by a few millimeters in the east - west
sights London Eye- London Eye, London Eye English with the official designation of the British Airways London Eye, located on the south bank of the River Thames and is also often referred to as the Millennium Wheel (Millennium Round). Londoners however mentions only abbreviated as the Eye. It is a huge panoramic Ferris wheel high 135 m. The circuit measures 424 meters and has 32 fully air-conditioned cabins. Each cabin can accommodate up to 25 people. Sightseeing flight offers unsurpassed panoramic views of the City of London, Great Britain.
Sights Trafalgar Square-
Its name to the largest gathering of London after earning the ship the Battle of Trafalgar, where the 21st awarded in October 1805 victory over the French fleet of the legendary Admiral Horatio Nelson. Conflict became fatal to him, his nation, however, he remained deeply committed to merit consolidation of power of Great Britain as a naval power thanked him by erecting the monument to Nelson in the middle of the square. The memorial takes the form of Corinthian column is 52 meters high statue of Admiral at the top. At his heels silently follow events on the square four bronze lions statues, cast from the ship reportedly looted works mentioned after the battle.
London Oficiální název: Spojené království Velké Británie a Severního Irska Hlavní město: London Rozloha: km2 Počet obyvatel: Hustota zalidnění: 244 lidí na km2 Státní zřízení: konstituční monarchie s dvoukomorovým parlamentem Časové Pásmo: GMT + 1 h v létě Měna: libra šterlinků (L) = 100 nových pencí Úřední jazyk: angličtina Rozloha pevniny: km2 Délka hranic: 360 km Sousedící země: Irsko Průmyslová odvětví: hutnický, textilní, elektronický, chemický průmysl Zemědělství: pěst. obilnin, cukrovky, brambor, lnu, luskovin, zeleninyx, ovoce, chov skotu a ovcí, prasat, drůbeže, sportovních koní, rybolov Přírodní zdroje: ropa, zemní plyn, uhlí, rudy kovů, kaolin, magnezit, potaš, baryt, fluorit Nejvyšší hora: Ben Nevis m n. m Nejnižší bod: Holme Fen - 4 m n. m Největší město: London ( obyvatel) Přírodní nebezpečí: záplavy, zimní bouře Information-
presentation prepared
MAREK PAVLÍČEK 8.A Thank you for your attention :D
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