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William Shakespeare – život a dílo

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1 William Shakespeare – život a dílo
Gymnázium, Obchodní akademie a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Hodonín William Shakespeare – život a dílo

2 CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0266 Číslo materiálu VY_32_INOVACE_RoI_AJ_4OAEL_16
Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Číslo materiálu VY_32_INOVACE_RoI_AJ_4OAEL_16 Autor Mgr. Ivana Rosmanová Tematický celek Anglický jazyk – využívání on-line slovníků a testů Ročník 4. Datum tvorby Anotace Tento anglický DUM slouží k seznámení se s životem a dílem W. Shakespeara. Metodický pokyn DUM si klade za cíl seznámit studenty především 4. ročníků SŠ s životem a dílem anglického dramatika Williama Shakespeara. Materiál je vhodný jako příprava pro 3. část ústní MZ. K prezentaci je nutný data projektor. XxX – značka autora, yy – číslo sady (bude přiděleno) zz – číslo materiálu v rámci sady (1–20) tttt – volitelné textové označení podle obsahu

3 Who is the man? 1 XxX – značka autora,
yy – číslo sady (bude přiděleno) zz – číslo materiálu v rámci sady (1–20) tttt – volitelné textové označení podle obsahu 1

4 The greatest playwright of all times
Dramatist and poet of Elizabethan England Author of a lot of well-known plays, e. g. love tragedy Romeo and Juliet Person who spent his life in London and Stratford-upon-Avon Author associated with the Globe Theatre in London Playwright followed by many other dramatists

5 William Shakespeare

6 His time Elisabeth I on the throne (for 44 years)
daughter of Henry VIII and Ann Boleyn (executed when Elisabeth was only 2 years old) – Tudor dynasty Executed her rival cousin – Mary, Queen of Scots Virgin Queen – never married Defensive policy, stability Supported English drama – W. Shakespeare + Christopher Marlowe buried at Westminster Abbey, London 2

7 His life 3 born on 23rd April 1564 in Stratford-upon- Avon in the family of glove-maker

8 4 native house inside

9 grammar school in Stratford where W. S. used to go

10 grammar school inside – classroom of Shakespeare´s day

11 3 children (Susanna, twins Hamnet –died in childhood and Judith)
married Anne Hathaway (8 years older than him) from nearby Shottery 3 children (Susanna, twins Hamnet –died in childhood and Judith) 6

12 1593 - Christopher Marlowe killed – Shakespeare´s rival – dramatist, poet
Sh. joins the Lord Chamberlain´s company, later King´s Men – playing company in London, Sh. = actor, playwright, part owner of the company Globe Theatre opened, London, on the south bank of the Thames

13 Globe Theatre after reconstruction in 1997

14 1603 – death of Elizabeth I King
James I 1605 – gunpowder plot – Guy Fawkes 1610 – Shakespeare retired to New Place = his house in Stratford, Sh. rich person death of Shakespeare on 23rd April (on his birthday) in Stratford-upon Avon

15 buried in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford- upon-Avon
8 buried in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford- upon-Avon

16 Stratford today Royal Shakespeare Theatre - owned by the Royal Shakespeare Company plays only Sh.´s plays 9

17 memorial to Sh., Stratford
Sh. sitting on the top, surrounded by 4 his characters – Hamlet, Falstaff, Lady Macbeth, Prince Hal 10

18 Shakespeare´s works Poetry – sonnets Plays – comedies
tragedies histories = historical plays

19 Poetry Sonnets = 14 lines in a poem
154 sonnets, themes – love, beauty, time, etc. 1609 – first published collection of his sonnets

20 Plays - comedies A Midsummer Night´s Dream (Sen noci svatojánské)
As You Like It (Jak se vám líbí) Twelfth Night (Večer tříkrálový) Much Ado About Nothing (Mnoho povyku pro nic) The Merry Wives of Windsor (Veselé paničky windsorské) The Merchant of Venice (Kupec benátský) The Taming of the Shrew (Zkrocení zlé ženy) The Comedy of Errors (Komedie plná omylů) etc.

21 Plays - tragedies Romeo and Juliet Macbeth Hamlet Othello King Lear
Julius Caesar etc.

22 Historical plays Richard II Richard III Henry IV Henry V Henry VI
Henry VIII etc.

23 “To be or not to be, that is the question.“
Who said that? Hamlet (Sh.´s tragedy)

24 Použité zdroje William Shakespeare [Pohlednice]. Sevenoaks, Kent: J. Salmon Ltd. [nedat.] Elisabeth I, Darnley. [cit ]. Dostupné na: 3. Shakespeare´s Birthplace from the garden, Stratford-upon-Avon [Pohlednice]. Sevenoaks, Kent: J. Salmon Ltd. [nedat.] 4. FOX, L. The Shakespeare Anniversary Book. Norwich: Jarrold and Sons Limited, s. 8. 5. FOX, L. The Shakespeare Anniversary Book. Norwich: Jarrold and Sons Limited, s. 10. 6. Anne Hathaway´s Cottage, Shottery, Stratford-upon-Avon [Pohlednice]. Sevenoaks, Kent: J. Salmon Ltd. [nedat.] 7. Southwark reconstructed globe. [cit ]. Dostupné na: 8. STEWARDSON, M. Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon [Pohlednice]. Worcester: Lithographics Ltd, 1989. XxX – značka autora, yy – číslo sady (bude přiděleno) zz – číslo materiálu v rámci sady (1–20) tttt – volitelné textové označení podle obsahu

25 9. River Avon and Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon [Pohlednice]. Sevenoaks, Kent: J. Salmon Ltd. [nedat.] 10. The Gower Memorial to Shakespeare, Stratford-upon-Avon [Pohlednice]. Sevenoaks, Kent: J. Salmon Ltd. [nedat.]

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