Sun clock. Interesting  Oldest time devices  Types- solid  - portable  Time is determined by shadow  The oldest clock in Trutnov range.

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1 Sun clock

2 Interesting  Oldest time devices  Types- solid  - portable  Time is determined by shadow  The oldest clock in Trutnov range.

3 History of sun clock First sun clock is only stick in earth. But first clock what look like this. Is from Ireland.

4 Pictures of sun clock shadow

5 Clock in Trutnov  address: Trutnov  coordinates: 15° 54' v. d., 50° 34' s. š.  contractor: Lubor Nosek  azimuth wall: 0°

6 Second clock in Trutnov  address: Trutnov, U hřiště 212  coordinates: 15° 53' 12'' v. d., 50° 35' 8.8'' s. š.  contractor: Petr Weiss  azimuth wall: JZ

7 Sun clock in Dvůr Králové  address: Dvůr Králové nad Labem, T. G. Masaryka  coordinates: 15° 48' 49.4'' v. d., 50° 25' 55.6'' s. š.  contractor: J. Mužík  azimuth wall: -8°

8 Second clock in Dvůr Králové  address: Dvůr Králové nad Labem, T. G. Masaryka  coordinates: 15° 48' 49.6'' v. d., 50° 25' 55.6'' s. š.  contractor: Jan Engelbrecht, Miloš Nosek and Jiří Kašpar  azimuth wall: -8,55°

9 How it work ? By shadow you know time, because the light from sun give shadow and show time on dial. shadow

10 How it work ?  Animation of sun clock.

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