Nikola Hojdová Petra Kubů V7A

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1 Nikola Hojdová Petra Kubů V7A
The Czech Republic Nikola Hojdová Petra Kubů V7A

2 Content Basic facts National symbols History Geographical terms
Political terms Czech economy Popular places for tourists Conclusion Sources

3 Basic facts: Central Europe land-locked country
land-locked country = vnitrozemský stát

4 Basic facts:

5 Basic facts:

6 Basic facts: the area: 79 000 km2 10 million people Czech
The official language: Czech Prague in Bohemia Brno in Moravia important cities: Ostrava, České Budějovice, Olomouc and Plzeň

7 National symbols of the Czech Republic
flag white and red stripe, blue triangle national anthem “Where my home is” by J. K. Tyl national emblem

8 History of the Czech Republic.

9 d

10 Geography valleys, lowlands, high grounds (the Bohemian-Moravian Highland) and mountain ranges the Šumava mountains (primeval forest Boubín) the Krkonoše mountains- Sněžka the Lužické mountains the Jizerské mountains valleys = údolí, lowlands= nížiny highland = vrchovina, primeval forest=prales

11 Geography The longest river: the Vltava
The Elbe - major Central European river the Odra, the Morava temperate climate: warm summers, cold winters

12 Political terms government = parliamentary democracy
two houses: the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate Václav Klaus prime minister President‘s function the Chamber of Deputies = poslanecká sněmovna

13 Czech economy export-based
Industries: automotive, high-tech, glass and ceramic production, metal an electronics agricultural products: potatoes, wheat and hops wheat =pšenice, hops = chmel

14 Popular places for tourist
Prague, Český Krumlov, Kutná Hora the spa town of Karlovy Vary castles: Karlštejn the stalactite caves in the Moravian Karst Skiing,biking and hiking Moravian Karst = Moravský kras

15 Conclusion

16 Sources Bridge magazine Angličtina: otázky a odpovědi anglictina/the-czech-republic

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