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TIME autor: Robert Kočí. Jak se na čas ptáme? What‘s the time? What time is it?

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Prezentace na téma: "TIME autor: Robert Kočí. Jak se na čas ptáme? What‘s the time? What time is it?"— Transkript prezentace:

1 TIME autor: Robert Kočí

2 Jak se na čas ptáme? What‘s the time? What time is it?


4 6:05five past six 8:10ten past eight 3:15quarter past three 1:30half past one PAST = PO TO = DO 4:40twenty to five 2:45quarter to three 9:50ten to ten 7:55five to eight Do 30. minuty včetně říkáme kolik minut již uběhlo z nové hodiny. Po 30. minutě říkáme kolik minut ještě chybí do začátku další hodiny.

5 Nejdřív říkáme hodiny, pak minuty. ten forty-five 11:25eleven twenty-five 05:50five fifty 08:15eight fifteen 02:05two o five 03:00three (o‘clock)

6 U času používáme předložku „at“. The concert starts at 10 o‘clock. Časové rozmezí vyjadřujeme předložkami „from“ a „to“ On Mondays we have English from 8 to 9 o‘clock. 12-ti hodinový režim 0 – 12a.m. 12 – 24 p.m. 06:00 six a.m. 18:00six p.m. noon = poledne midnight = půlnoc

7 Click on the clocks to see the time.

8 It‘s five past nine. It‘s nine o five.

9 Click on the clocks to see the time.

10 It‘s ten to two. It‘s one fifty.

11 Click on the clocks to see the time.

12 It‘s four minutes to three. It‘s two fifty-six.

13 Click on the clocks to see the time.

14 It‘s quarter past twelve. It‘s twelve fifteen.

15 Click on the clocks to see the time.

16 It‘s twenty to one. It‘s twelve forty.

17 Click on the clocks to see the time.

18 It‘s eleven minutes past ten. It‘s ten eleven.

19 Click on the clocks to see the time.

20 It‘s quarter to two. It‘s one fifteen.

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