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ZveřejnilBožena Žáková
ŠKOLA: Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434 NÁZEV PROJEKTU: Šablony – Gymnázium Tanvald ČÍSLO ŠABLONY: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT AUTOR: Zora Pavlištová TEMATICKÁ OBLAST: Anglický jazyk NÁZEV DUMu: Předložkové vazby se slovesem/přídavným jménem POŘADOVÉ ČÍSLO DUMu: 10 KÓD DUMu: ZP_AJ4.R_10 DATUM TVORBY: 16.8.2013 ANOTACE (ROČNÍK): DŮM procvičuje nejčastější předložkové vazby se slovesy/přídavnými jmény jejich porozuměním ve větách a následně jejich použitím. METODICKÝ POKYN: Studenti se seznámí s procvičovanými předložkovými frázemi v daných větách, následně pak stejné věty doplní správnými předložkami ((Pracovní list 1) a slovesy/přídavnými jmény (Pracovní list 2). Nakonec zopakují celé předložkové vazby samostatně.
Read the following 15 sentences. Try to concentrate on the prepositions used with the particular verbs (in bold).
1.Teenagers often argue with their parents about their lifestyle. 2.You can borrow the book from the local library. 3.Mum is angry with me about my bad marks. 4.His colleagues congratulated him on getting promotion. 5.She apologised to her boss for being late for work. 6.Our Sunday cycling trip depends on the weather. 7.The sales manager has to deal with lots of customers. 8.He´s really interested in astronomy. He wants to study it. 9.She´s keen on gardening. She grows plenty of flowers and vegetables. 10.Sue was jealous of Kate because Kate´s dress was more beautiful. 11.She had been married to him for 10 years when they got divorced. 12.Can you lend your bicycle to my brother for the weekend? 13.The company provides visitors with protective clothing for the factory tour. 14.The personnel manager is responsible for hiring new workers. 15.She´s scared of spiders. When she sees one, she screams.
Worksheet 1 1.Teenagers often argue _______ their parents _______ their lifestyle. 2.You can borrow the book _______ the local library. 3.Mum is angry _______ me _______ my bad marks. 4.His colleagues congratulated him _______ getting promotion. 5.She apologised _______ her boss _______ being late for work. 6.Our Sunday cycling trip depends _______ the weather. 7.The sales manager has to deal _______ lots of customers. 8.He´s really interested _______ astronomy. He wants to study it. 9.She´s keen _______ gardening. She grows plenty of flowers and vegetables. 10.Sue was jealous _______ Kate because Kate´s dress was more beautiful. 11.She had been married _______ him for 10 years when they got divorced. 12.Can you lend your bicycle _______ my brother for the weekend? 13.The company provides visitors _______ protective clothing for the factory tour. 14.The personnel manager is responsible _______ hiring new workers. 15.She´s scared _______ spiders. When she sees one, she screams.
Worksheet 2 1.Teenagers often __________ with their parents about their lifestyle. 2.You can __________ the book from the local library. 3.Mum is __________ with me about my bad marks. 4.His colleagues __________ him on getting promotion. 5.She __________ to her boss for being late for work. 6.Our Sunday cycling trip __________ on the weather. 7.The sales manager has to __________ with lots of customers. 8.He´s really __________ in astronomy. He wants to study it. 9.She´s __________ on gardening. She grows plenty of flowers and vegetables. 10.Sue was __________ of Kate because Kate´s dress was more beautiful. 11.She had been __________ to him for 10 years when they got divorced. 12.Can you __________ your bicycle to my brother for the weekend? 13.The company __________ visitors with protective clothing for the factory tour. 14.The personnel manager is __________ for hiring new workers. 15.She´s __________ of spiders. When she sees one, she screams.
Complete the phrases with a preposition from the list. 1.argue _______ someone _______ something 2.borrow something _______ someone angry _______ someone _______ something 4.congratulate someone _______ something 5.apologise _______ someone _______ something 6.depend _______ something/someone _______ something/someone interested _______ something/someone keen _______ something jealous _______ someone married _______ someone 12.lend something _______ someone 13.provide someone _______ something responsible _______ something scared _______ something/someone with about from on to for in of
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