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Innovative Teachers: European Poster Event 2004
NAME: School: COUNTRY: Area(s) covered: Jiri Luka ZS Mendiku Prague Czech Republic the teaching of students in class and/or elsewhere 3. the use of information communications and collaboration assessment of students Teacher’s comment: ICT – better cooperation and communication with parents; more efficient retrieval and use of information; higher effectiveness of teaching process; etc. These are things I’m already using from the first class of basic school. Let’s have a look …..
Krásné VELIKONOCE .... Krásné VELIKONOCE .... Krásné VELIKONOCE ....
Vítáme Vás na stránkách druháčků ZŠ Mendíků z Prahy 4. Dozvíte se tu vše o této prima třídě. Narnie je pohádková země, která je přístupná pouze dětem nebo dospělým s dětským srdcem. V tomto školním roce se v ní pohybujeme, zažíváme dobrodružství, pomáháme postavičkám této kouzelné říše Aktuality: Krásné VELIKONOCE .... Vítáme Vás na stránkách druháčků ZŠ Mendíků z Prahy 4. Dozvíte se tu vše o této prima třídě. Narnie je pohádková země, která je přístupná pouze dětem nebo dospělým s dětským srdcem. V tomto školním roce se v ní pohybujeme, zažíváme dobrodružství, pomáháme postavičkám této kouzelné říše Aktuality: Krásné VELIKONOCE .... Vítáme Vás na stránkách druháčků ZŠ Mendíků z Prahy 4. Dozvíte se tu vše o této prima třídě. Narnie je pohádková země, která je přístupná pouze dětem nebo dospělým s dětským srdcem. V tomto školním roce se v ní pohybujeme, zažíváme dobrodružství, pomáháme postavičkám této kouzelné říše Aktuality: Krásné VELIKONOCE .... Welcome to Second Year website of the basic school ZS Mendiku. Here you’ll learn all about this nice class Narnie is a fairyland, only accessible to children and to grown-ups with a child’s heart. This school year we are exploring this land full of adventures, we help the characters of this magic world.... This is the initial page of our class website, on which I provide all information about what is happening in our class. Class information Evaluation Calendar of our activities Schedule Guestbook …and a lot of more information…
Narnia is a fairyland, where a lot of miracles happen.
Parents can participate using our websites Our traditional Christmas performance. The baby is my son . Wise man Juniper travels in time together with children. A primaeval man asked children to help him make some weapons. Antoine de Saint Exupery kept visiting our class all year round. Chief Great Snake with his Indians. The coronation of king Charles IV.
Photos and information from our summer camp, school teaching trips and many other activities can be also found on the internet. P H O T G A L E R Y So that they will not miss their children, parents can be with them every day via photos and reports.
And all that happens in our class can be also seen in photographs…
Teaching on-line Parents as well as missing pupils can see the lesson almost live – in a shoutboard window on the initial page of our class website. :55: We are doing an exercise practising filling in missing letters i,y, and some dual consonants. Later on this exercise will be done as a dictation. Simultaneously with the activities in class I type about them to the website. There is a PC connected to the internet on my desk directly in the classroom. And all that happens in our class can be also seen in photographs…
Interactive information about marks and behaviour
Using a password parents can enter their child’s private page, where a set of all marks together with verbal evaluation of the pupil can be found. How is this information interactive? Each pupil’s private page also contains a private guestbook, through which parents can communicate with the teacher. Accuracy of this information is guaranteed by dwarf Kornelius…
Using PCs while teaching the youngest…
In our schools there are modern very well equipped PC rooms. 25 PCs are used by pupils to learn, practise and further the subject matter. Teaching the youngest pupils PC skills I use: Programs for drawing, copying and editing photographs in art lessons. Programs for composing music and encyclopedias of audio extracts are used in music lessons. Encyclopedias – searching for new information in biology, geography, history, literature … Mathematics, Czech language, and English language are practised in specialized teaching programs. Word processors – writing essays, copying, and doing language exercises. … and this is me… one of my pupils took this photo and by himself he loaded it unto the PC… Our directress with my pupils. I’m holding the camera
Can seven-year-olds travel on the internet highway?
YES!! And will they not feel dizzy? Of course not… Already from the first years of school I lead children to the right use of the internet. on the internet we seek information, which we use in subjects we read in internet magazines we discuss pros and “cons“ of the internet we communicate via we have also used a chat program - with the help of pupils’ parents
SUMMARY Name Jiri Luka School ZS Mendiku Prague Country Czech Republic
A first level basic school teacher; I lead my pupils to use ICT already in the first years of school; I use it myself during the teaching process; using the internet I inform parents; I teach in the project method; I also use RWCT method; I am responsible for the websites of our class, school, and kindergarten; recently I was awarded the Golden Amos 2004 Prize – which is given to the most successful and popular teacher of the Czech Republic. School ZS Mendiku Prague Basic school and kindergarten; ICT is a fundamental part of education in our school; one of the first basic schools in the Czech Republic connected to the internet; on the first level project method is used and on the second level extra mathematics and science lessons. Country Czech Republic Czech pedagogy has a long tradition in the person and ideas of the Teacher of Nations J. A. Commenius (1592 – 1670). Based on several hundreds-year-long tradition contemporary school system reasonably accepts modern trends. We believe this will be reflected in the new educational programmes which are just being prepared.
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