Ireland Prezentace Power Point ANGLICKÝ JAZYK – 2. stupeň

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1 Ireland Prezentace Power Point ANGLICKÝ JAZYK – 2. stupeň
Autor: Mgr.Marie Vlčková, Masarykova ZŠ Plzeň Projekt "EU peníze školám", registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky


3 The Irish national flag
Ireland The Irish national flag

4 Ireland/ Éire one of the English speaking country, a member of the EU since 1973

5 the capital of Ireland and the largest city
Dublin the capital of Ireland and the largest city

6 Famous places in Dublin: The Temple Bar

7 Famous places in Dublin: O´Connell Street

8 Famous places in Dublin: Dublin Castle

9 Famous places in Dublin: Trinity College

10 St. Patrick´s Day St. Patrick is the apostle who brought christianity to Ireland, Irish national holiday is celebrated on March 17th every year

11 Symbols of Ireland: St. Patrick´s Cathedral in Dublin

12 Symbols of Ireland: The Celtic cross
The harp The shamrock Irish beer The Claddach Ring

13 Famous places in Ireland:
Rock of Cashel

14 Cliffs of Moher

15 Famous Irish People Pierce Brosnan, an actor, a film star
U2, an Irish rock band formed in 1976

16 Typical Irish animals sheep wolfhound horses Irish setter platypus
kangaroo koala horses Irish setter

17 Typical Irish sports hurling rugby horse - racing cricket tennis rugby
windsurfing cricket


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