Educational program: Mechanic - electrician Title of program: Technical training II. class Transistor stage with common emitter Worked out: Bc. Chumchal.

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2 Educational program: Mechanic - electrician Title of program: Technical training II. class Transistor stage with common emitter Worked out: Bc. Chumchal Miroslav Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

3  Scheme of connection of stage with SE  Equivalent connection  Amplifier with common emitter  Components specification  Properties of amplifier with SE  Students activities  Control questions Connection of transistor with common emitter

4 Scheme of connection of transistor stage with SE

5 Equivalent connection of transistor stage with SE

6 Amplifier with common emitter

7 Components Value T NPN ( BC 548 ) R1 M1 R2 10K R3 470 R4 4K7 C1, C2 1M/16V C3 20M/16V Components specification

8 Quantity Value Input resistance ( R VST ) small - medium ( 100 ohm – 10k ) Output resistance ( R VÝST ) big ( 1k – 100k ) Voltage amplification ( A U ) big ( 10 – 1000 ) Current amplification ( A i ) Very big ( 20 – 200 ) Efficiency amplification ( A P ) Very big ( 100 – 20 000 ) Properties of connection of amplifier with SE

9  Design connection of amplifier with common emitter on the cuprexite board.  Take measurement of components on own measure device and solder it together.  Activate the amplifier.  Evaluate your work. Practical part of assigned task

10  What voltage we can measure on transistor electrode ?  How big electric current passing through the circuit ?  Calculate amplification of amplifier A U.  Calculate gain of amplifier in dB.  Evaluate your work. Students activities- control questions

11  Poznáváme Elektroniku I.,Václav Malina, Vydalo nakladatelství KOPP,České Budějovice, 1996  vypočet tranzistorového stupně  Vlastní poznámkový sešit Literature used

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