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Zeměpis na II.stupni – CLIL výuka
Číslo operačního programu: CZ.1.07 Operační program : Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Název výzvy: Středočeský kraj Výzva č.3 pro GP - oblast podpory 1.1 Název prioritní osy: Počáteční vzdělávání Název oblasti podpory: Zvyšování kvality ve vzdělávání Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.06/ CLIL - PRE - 05
Coat of Arms Flag Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is the world's sixth-largest country. Neighbouring countries are Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north; the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to the north-east; and New Zealand to the south-east.
Facts about Australia Capital city Canberra Largest city Sydney Area
7,617,930 km2 2,941,299 sq mi Population 2012 estimate: 22,737,609 Currency Australian dollar (AUD) Australian anthem Advance Australia Fair Government Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Australian Territories
Ashmore and Cartier Islands Australian Antarctic Territory Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Jervis Bay Territory Norfolk Island is also technically an external territory
Unique Australia - Sydney
Satellite image with Botany Bay and Port Jackson on the right, showing the extent of the city Population: 4.6 million people Sydney was established in 1788 Popular places are Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. There are national parks, many bays, rivers, inlets and beaches.
Unique Australia Kangaroos have large, powerful hind legs,
large feet, a long muscular tail for balance, and a small head. Female kangaroos have a pouch called a Marsupium. The kangaroo is a national symbol of Australia: its emblem is used on the Australian coat of arms and also on some of its currency. Aboriginal people language: BORA=initiation ceremony in which young boys become men SMOKING CEREMONY= a cleansing ritual performed on special occasions a facial mask of one of the tribes
Slovníček INCLUDE – zahrnovat, začlenit, obsahovat
NEIGHBOURING – sousední, vedlejší, sousedící COAT OF ARMS – erb, znak města/rodu CURRENCY – měna ANTHEM – hymna GOVERNMENT – vláda CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY – konstituční monarchie EXTENT – rozsah, dosah, míra, závažnost INLET – zátoka, záliv, fjord HIND LEG – zadní končetina (zvíře) EMBLEM – znak, emblém INITIATION CEREMONY – iniciační obřad CLEANSING RITUAL - očistný rituál TRIBE - kmen
Zdroje: World map: Flag of Australia: Australian Coat of Arms: Sydney Opera house: Melbourne: Kangaroo: Worldwind Sydney: Aerial view of Sydney Northern Beaches: Face mask: Zdroj informací: a přidružené stránky
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