Office Sharepoint Server 2007

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1 Office Sharepoint Server 2007
Michal Neuwirth ISV Technical Readiness DPE Microsoft Czech Republic

2 Agenda Architektura Business Data Catalog SharePoint Search
Excel Services InfoPath Forms Services Workflow

3 Historie Windows SharePoint Services “v3” MOSS 2007
SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Windows SharePoint Services “v2” Content Management Server 2002 SharePoint Team Services “v1” SharePoint Portal Server 2001

4 MOSS 2007 WSS 3.0 Windows Server Instructor Notes
First, point out that WSS leverages features from the underlying OS, from SQL Server and from ASP.NET 2.0. Also discuss certain features that were added to ASP.NET 2.0 (Master Pages, Web Parts, Navigation) that benefit WSS "V3". Next, describe the core purpose of WSS is to act as a scalable site provisioning engine. WSS provides the services in the purple boxes so developers do not have to create that code themselves when creating site-oriented and workspace-oriented applications. Finally, point out that WSS provides a development platform. The Office Server team has used this platform to build Office Server components and companies and developers can use WSS to build their own custom solutions. Windows Server

5 SharePoint Investment Areas Sharepoint Server 2007
Analýza obchodních dat Excel na straně serveru a vizualizace dat, Report Center, BI Webparts, KPI/Dashboard Zjednodušená spolupráce Dokumenty/úlohy/kalendáře, blog-y, rss integrace s outoolekem Business Intelligence Součinost Služby platformy Sběr dat Webové formuláře založené na službách, SSO Správa přístupu Návrh web-u, vývoj aplikací, presonalizace Formulářová řešení Portál Workspace, správa, bezpečnost, úložiště, topologie model web.lokalit Office server riesenia su postavene nad WSS, ktore je postavene nad ASP.NET2. Spolupraca = tymove sajty, workflow, zoznamy a kniznice dokumentov Portal=search, people management, my sites, ... Vyhladavanie: indexovanie, vyhladavaie LOB dat cez business data catalog Business processes= InfoPath forms services a integracia workflow Business intellisense= Excel Services+Report center Talking Points Stress again that O12 server solutions are built on the WSS infrastructure which is by itself sitting on top of ASP.NET 2.0. Go over the various pies representing different types of solutions repeating what they mean: Collaboration: solutions delivered in the form of team sites, workflows, list and doc lib support. All the features you need to do collaboration. Portal: solution that activates features important for enterprises (search, people management, my sites, ...) Search: search center and the possibility to index and search LOB data using the business data catalog Content Management: site definitions you can use to create an internet presence with an infrastructure for having people manage the content + site definitions for creating sites that are tuned to store documents and take care of the complete document management life cycle Business processes: support for business processes with the InfoPath forms services and the integration of workflow Business intellisense: bringing Excel spreadsheets to the server and leveraging Excel Services to share, process, and collaborate on these spreadsheets or snapshots of it + the report center giving you an infrastructure to display and manage reports and BI information in one central place Správa obsahu Vyhledávání Správa obsahu Integrovaná správa dokumentů a záznamů. Správa webového obsahu s politikami, workflow Vyhledávání informací a lidí

6 Architektura Hierarchie WSS site collection
Není limit jednoho portálu pro IIS Integrace s AD Vyhledávání napříč všemi sites Škálovatelnost Instructor Notes The portal architecture of MOSS is very different than SPS 2003 because portals are now created using standard WSS site templates. That means you create a new portal as a new site collection using the WSS Central Administration application. There are several site templates used to create portals in MOSS Corporate Portal Blank Portal Publishing Site Portal for Internet presence Note that the site templates for portals define child sites. That means you will be creating a new site collection with several sites each time you create a new portal. And because a portal is simply seen as another WSS site collection, you can create 100s or 1000s of portals per Web application.

7 Správa oprávnění Skupiny Nastavení práv na úrovni
Vlastník, člen, návštěvník Nastavení práv na úrovni Seznam, knihovnu, složku, položku a dokument Možnost anonymního přístupu Bezpečnostní „omezení“ UI New permissions management experience Three default groups Owners – full control Members – contribute to existing lists and libraries Visitors – read only Integrated with user information list SharePoint groups can be assigned permissions anywhere in the site collection Collections of rights, not people Full Control – Has full control Design – Can view, add, update, delete, approve, and customize Contribute – Can view, add, update, and delete Read – Can view only Nove opravnenia: Edit User Information – display name, , etc Approve Items – promote minor to major version View Versions Delete Versions Create Alerts – separated from view items Manage Alerts – create alerts for other people Enumerate Permissions – read, but not change Open Items – view source of server files (ASPX) View Application Pages – e.g. _layouts pages Use Remote Interfaces – e.g. SOAP Use Client Integration Features – e.g. Office Anonymny pristup: Disabled and off by default Enable/disable in Central Administration Web site level control On/Off Allow anonymous lists (Limited access) List level control Read, add, update, and delete Library level control Read Obmedzenia anonymneho pristupu: Defaults to very reduced permissions Read only No remote interfaces No client integration Configurable via object model No folder or item level control Hard coded limitations No anonymous authoring of documents No anonymous administration

8 Shared Service Provider
Služby sdílené napříč portály Nezávislé na portálu Na úrovni portálů se určuje jaké služby budou použity Procházení a indexování obsahů Vyhledávání Excel Services ….. Instructor Notes Shared Service Providers (SSPs) are an important architectural piece of MOSS so you should take some time to motivate them properly. Start by motivating that there are important tasks in the portal (e.g. building indexes for search and provisioning MySites) that should not be done two or more times when unnecessary. It makes sense to have a central entity that can do this work a single time across multiple portal sites. Quickly explain that SPS 2003 used an approach where one portal was deemed as the master to do the work to be shared across portals. Other portals were configured as slaves so that they could use the indexes and MySite provisioning of the master. However, this architecture was not flexible and it was very fragile when it cam to backup and restore. The new architecture is much better because an SSP is defined and configured independently of any portal site.

9 Single Sign-On Používá se pro přístup z portálu do dalších podnikových aplikací Snižuje se počet dotazů na credentials Využito v BDC či pomocí Web Parts Web Part Page MS SQL SSO Database Custom Web Part 1 . Page Dota Enterprise Application Server 2 SSO Credential Query 3 Retrieve Enterprise Information Instructor Notes The final thing to cover in this lecture is the Single Sign On (SSO) service provided through MOSS. Since this is the last topic in a fairly long lecture, you can cover the SSO service at a very high level and not worry too much about the details of administration or SSO programming. Single Sign On is a MOSS service that provides credential mapping. The SSO service is generally used when a MOSS portal site must provide access to a backend system that doesn't allow for Windows authentication against user account in an Active Directory domain. For example, Bob has two user account each with its own credentials. He has a Windows account in Active Directory to log onto the network and authenticate against the MOSS Web server. He has a different user account and a different password that is used when accessing a backend SAP application. SSO solves the problem of mapping his Windows account to his other SAP user account. SSO provides a database to store the SAP user account and password in an encrypted format. SSO also provides the means for custom Web Parts and other MOSS services such as the BDC and Excel services to retrieve and user his SAP user name and password once he has been authenticated against his Windows account in Active Directory.

10 Web Content Management
Office Server obsahuje možnos publikace na veřejný web´ CMS vlastnosti integrovány do Office Server Site branding a změny vzhledu stránek Podpora schvalování obsahu Zákazníci Office Server Production Web Site Dodavatelé Akcionáři Instructor Notes In the past, companies have had to choose between SharePoint Portal Server 2003 (SPS) and Content Management Server (CMS). While SPS provided portal features, it was very limited in features to support formalized Web content management with established roles for content authors and content approvers. CMS is a product that was designed for this exact purpose. However, CMS lacks many valuable SPS features such as search and Active Directory integration. MOSS marries the feature sets of SPS and CMS and adds a powerful Web content to a portal environment. MOSS also provides the migration path for customers using SPS as well as customers using CMS today. 3 Autor obsahu Office Server Staging Web Site 1 2 Schvalovatel obsahu

11 Vývoj Search API Business Data Catalog
Připojení podnikových dat na portál Správa dokumentů či webového obsahu Excel služby na straně serveru Infopath Forms Services Interakce s Infopath formuláři pomocí webového prohlížeče Search API Podpora vlastních “single sign-on“ poskytovatelů Replacing the default SSO Provider in Office SharePoint Server 2007 involves implementing Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.SingleSignOn.IssoProvider, installing it into the global assembly cache, and registering the new SSO provider with Office SharePoint Server 2007.

12 Agenda Architektura Business Data Catalog SharePoint Search
Excel Services InfoPath Forms Services Workflow

13 Business Data Catalog Umožňuje propojit portál s daty z LOB aplikací
Integrace bez „psaní“ kódu Centrální nasazení Centralizované zabezpečení dat Optimalizace pro běh na portálu (např. indexace) BDC není o transakcích, workflow, transformaci dat, …

14 Napojení na obchodní data
Webparty Seznamy Vyhledávání Profily uživatelů Vlastní aplikace Sklad seznamů Index vyhledvání Sklad profilů Metadata Business Data Catalog WS Proxy ADO.NET Make each box real by offering an example – short example/use case What isn't the BDC? – clarify data flow / performance characteristics – How does it relate to BizTalk? – Talk about data flow and model – motivate this "layering system", mention security model Talk about out of the box definitions Webová služba Databáze BizTalk, SAP, Siebel, Další aplikace… SQL Server, Oracle, OLEDB, ODBC

15 Rozhraní pro integraci
Business Data WebPart Podpora „master-detail“ Konfigurovatelný pomocí SharePoint Designer Business Data Search Vyhledávání dat v databázi/web.službě Sloupce Business Data v seznamech Business Data Catalog API Runtime API Administration API Scenario: Find an account manager in Siebel Today Vertical applications lack full-text search Most users can’t locate or access vertical apps Hard to have an index gatherer “see” business data Office 2007: Search any database/Web service No need to write IFilters or protocol handlers for biz data No need to create HTML representations of data Highly customizable results Integrated with scopes and Search Center Scenarios Tag a proposal with a customer Track and annotate key support cases Pick from the canonical list of cost centers Text or lookup fields Irregular data, duplicated lists of values Office 2007: Business data column One column type that stores any entity One-click refresh Integrates with list features: workflow, versioning, etc. Runtime API Browse metadata, execute methods, retrieve instances, traverse relationships For custom application builders Administration API Create, read, update, and delete metadata and manage permissions For administrators For ISVs building metadata management tools OOB features use these public APIs Bezp.model Options Trusted Service BDC connects to LOB data with a single account Delegated Access Use Enterprise Single Sign-On technology LOB account mapped to portal user identity Storage Concerns If you’re copying LOB data, you’re responsible for it (e.g., lists, user profile, search index)

16 BDC Metedata <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <LobSystem xmlns:xsi=" xsi:schemaLocation=" BDCMetadata.xsd" Type="Database" Version=" " Name="AdventureWorksSample" xmlns=" <LobSystemInstances> <LobSystemInstance Name="AdventureWorksSample"> <Properties> <Property Name="AuthenticationMode" Type="System.String">PassThrough</Property> <Property Name="DatabaseAccessProvider" Type="System.String">SqlServer</Property> </Properties> </LobSystemInstance> </LobSystemInstances> <Entities> <Entity EstimatedInstanceCount="10000" Name="Product"/> <Entity EstimatedInstanceCount="10000" Name="SalesOrder"/> <Entity EstimatedInstanceCount="10000" Name="Customer"/> </Entities> <Associations> <Association AssociationMethodEntityName="Customer" AssociationMethodName="GetSalesOrdersForCustomer" AssociationMethodReturnParameterName="SalesOrders" Name="CustomerToSalesOrder" IsCached="true"> <SourceEntity Name="Customer" /> <DestinationEntity Name="SalesOrder" /> </Association> </Associations> </LobSystem> Instructor Notes This slide shows an example of how BDC metadata is defined inside an XML file. If you have time to do a demonstration, you should consider showing students how to upload a predefined XML file with BDC metadata to create a new application. Next, show them how to surface BDC data use the Business Data Web Parts such as the Business Data List Web Part. If you want to do one more thing, show students how to configure a BDC application as a content source and then demonstrate how MOSS search can find results from a BDC data source.

17 Business Data Catalog Michal Neuwirth DPE Group Microsoft Czech

18 Agenda Architektura Business Data Catalog SharePoint Search
Excel Services InfoPath Forms Services Workflow

19 Topologie Instructor Notes
The MOSS has some significant investments in their topology model. The base SharePoint topology consists of a load balanced web front end as well as application servers and backend databases. For Search specifically MOSS provides two application servers roles – indexer and query

20 WSS 3.0 vs MOSS Search WSS 3.0 MOSS Podmnožina MOSS Search
Indexování a vyhledávání na jednom počítači Prohledávání v obsahu v rámci jedné site MOSS Indexování a vyhledávání na různých počítačích Více „query servers“ Agregovaný obsah interní + externí Instructor Notes WSS Search One of the key investments this release is WSS (v3) will be using the same search technology as in MOSS as opposed to WSS(v2) that used sql full text search. The WSS search functionality is a subset of MOSS search functionality This adds ease of transition when you want to move from a WSS installation to a OSS installation. Only local content gets indexed and search is available at the individual site scope. MOSS Search MOSS search has more enhanced functionality than WSS – richer search results UI and customization control, crawls of local and external content supported and management of search configuration. One important thing to note is the topological concepts are same across WSS and MOSS with certain differences based on the usage patterns of the portals/sites

21 Vývoj Úpravy nastavením vlastností webpartů
4/5/2017 2:31 PM Vývoj Úpravy nastavením vlastností webpartů Možnost vytvářet vlastní webparty a aplikace používající OM pro vyhledávání Query – použito v Research task pane QueryEx – vrací .NET DataSet Vlastnosti pre SELECT“ Properties must have been added as Managed Properties XSLT uses them for display or logic Use the core search results web part 'Columns' property in the tool pane: Webová služba: Two query methods: Query Research and Reference Service- compatible XML Use in the Office Research pane QueryEx Returns .NET DataSet Full set of result types, features 21 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

22 WSS vs MOSS search WSS MOSS Indexace Lokální SharePoint obsah
SharePoint Web, síťové adresáře, Exchange, LOB aplikace... Weby, seznamy X „Alert-y“, RSS, Webové služby Reporty požadavků Customizable search center BDC Poskytnuté rozhraní Query Query + Admin

23 Search services Michal Neuwirth DPE Group Microsoft Czech Demo:
1. Change pagination, number of results, search box display of scopes, and fix a static scope (walk through properties, page is ready) 2. Show static query functionality using a search results and paginator web parts combo. The parts stand alone on page. Query: "New in usability", scoped and ranked by date, over content in usability DL.

24 Agenda Architektura SharePoint Search Business Data Catalog
Excel Services InfoPath Forms Services Workflow

25 Excel 2007 Services Excel je navržen jako klientská aplikace, není robustní a škálovatelný pro server Services přináší tenké řešení pro sdílení tabulek Ochrana a údržba dat na serveru Automatizace aktualizace dat tabulek na serveru Vytváření a doručování snapshot-ů Excelovský zošitov na servri a vlastná aplikácia na ich použitie na klientovi Tenký, tlstý klient, BI portály Scenáre Použitie serverovskej Excel logiky v aplikáciach Dopracovanie časti obch.logiky do Excelu Ochrana a údržba Excel dát na strane servera Automatizácia aktualizácií tabuliek na servri Znovunačítanie externých dát a parametrizácia Vytvorenie, uloženie a doručenie „snapshot-ov“ Vlastný UI pre Excel kalkulácie na strane servera

26 Architektura Excel Services
Webový front-end SharePoint UI HTML rendering + webservices Služba Čte tabulky, aktualizuje data, provádí kalkulace Udržuje stav pro interakci Kešuje soubory a dotazy pro výkonost Office SharePoint Server 2007 poskytuje Platformu Úložiště pro tabulky Správa nastavení, UI, skripting, … Autentizaci, autorizaci Nová infraštruktúra vybudovaná na platforme SharePoint Stroj na excelovské kalkulácie na strane servera Prístup cez web.prehliadač k „živým“, interaktívnym serverovským tabuľkám Webová služba na excelovské kalkulácie na strane servera A firewall can be placed before the Web Front End and in front of the Application Server Topology Options for Scale Multiples of (1 Web Front End to 1 App Server) 1/Many Web Front Ends to 1/Many App Servers

27 Tabulky/“snapshot-y“
Možnosti využití Vypočítaná data a tabulky Browser Tabulky renderované ve webpartech Nastavení parametrů, třídění filtrování, rozbalování detailů... Excel 2007 Design Tabulky uložené v docum. library Kalkulace v tabulkách a rendering Načítání externích dat a práce s keší Office 2007 SharePoint Server Tabulky Pro lepší analýzu Otevření snapshotů Tabulky/“snapshot-y“ Excel 2007 Vlastní aplikace Nastavení hodnot, spuštění výpočtů Získání hodnot pomocí webových služeb Načítání celých sešitů... Tabulky/ Vypočítaná data Niekto vytvori Excel spreadsheet Publikuje ho na SharePoint server, kde su aktivovane Excel Services (co je sluzba poskytovana Shared Service Provider-om) Uzivatelia si mozu spreadsheet pozriet v browsere s moznostou robit limitovanu interakciu s nim Cez Webparty mozeme vziat snapshotys (napr. Graf alebo sadu dat) a pouzit ich niekde inde Web service je pristupny vzdialene pre klientske aplikacie – pre odosialanie dat, excel prepocty atd. Obmedzenia ES: Limitovaná rozširovateľnosť: Žiadny objektový model Excel-u Žiadny kód na pozadí - VBA, makrá Žiadne plné „add-iny“ – len manažované UDF Žiadne zabudovanie objektov, vrátane obrázkov a Office Art Žiadna obnova pre načítané datab.tabuľky, SharePoint zoznamy a XML mapy

28 Webový přístup Čisté HTML Grafy Interaktivita
podpora všech typů Interaktivita Třídění, filtrování, přechod mezi úrovněmi dat Podpora parametrů pro analýzu, modely přepočtů, ... Pojmenované buňky Tenka klientska reprezentacia – je nieco ine ako Spreadsheet ActiveX control Ozivenie web.pristupu: V Excel 2007, „Publish to Office Server“ Rozhodnite sa, ktoré zošity publikovať Pomenované rozsahy môžu byť parametrizované v web.prehliadači Zadajte URL ku knižnici dokumentov Pridajte URL knižnice dokumentov ako „dôveryhodnú lokalitu“ SharePoint Central Administration V správe Excel Services pridajte URL knižnicu dokumentov ako dôveryhodnú lokalitu pre súbory

29 Webový přístup V Excel 2007, „Publish to Office Server“
Určení sešitů pro publikaci Pojmenované rozsahy mohou být publikované jako parametry na web Zadat URL adresu na document library Adresa document library musí být v Excel Services označena jako důvěryhodná (Sharepoint Central Administration) Krok 2 – robi administrator

30 Webové služby

31 Omezení Nepoužívá se objektový model
Neprovádí se kód na pozadí – VBA, makra Není podpora add-inů – pouze managed UDF Není podpora embedded objektů např. Office Arts Umoznujeme rozsirovanie cez user-defined function, ktore moze byt nasadene ako .NET assembly a potom volane z vasich Excel vzorcov.

32 Excel services Michal Neuwirth DPE Group Microsoft Czech Demo:
1. Change pagination, number of results, search box display of scopes, and fix a static scope (walk through properties, page is ready) 2. Show static query functionality using a search results and paginator web parts combo. The parts stand alone on page. Query: "New in usability", scoped and ranked by date, over content in usability DL. Pozriet

33 Agenda Architektura SharePoint Search Business Data Catalog
Excel Services InfoPath Forms Services Workflow

34 Forms Services První generace InfoPath 2003
Ukládání obchodních dat pomocí dynamických formulářů založených na XML Pouze tlustý klient Integrováno s dalšími systémy např. SPPS Druhá generace InfoPath 2007 a Forms Services Šablony formulářů Integrace s dalšími Office 2007 klientskými aplikacemi Podpora webových prohlížečů Instructor Notes Lead off with this slide by asking student "which of you have done any work with InfoPath 2003?". If some students answer "yes", ask them what they liked best about it. If there are many students who know nothing about InfoPath 2003, take a minute to describe its role as a desktop forms designer based on creating XML document validated by XML schema. Describe the process of designing a form as well as the process of filling out a form. Make sure to mention that InfoPath 2003 requires installing InfoPath on the desktop for both designers and users. Quickly mention some of the new features of InfoPath 12 such as a richer control set, template parts and better support for disconnected scenarios. Finally introduce Forms Services as a component designed to render InfoPath forms within the browser. This is significant because it gives InfoPath 12 far greater reach than InfoPath 2003 that was limited to client computers already running Office 2003.

35 Obchodní logika InfoPathu
4/5/2017 2:31 PM Obchodní logika InfoPathu C# VB .NET Kód Deklarativně Pravidla Vzorce Validace dat Datové spojení Podmíněné formátování Většina vývoje formulářů nepotřebuje kód XSD, Web Service, Databáze Schéma 35 ©2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

36 Jedna verze formuláře Testované pro: Internet Explorer Firefox Safari
4/5/2017 2:31 PM Jedna verze formuláře Internet Explorer Firefox Testované pro: Internet Explorer Firefox Safari Netscape Mobilní zařízení podporující HTML Na: Windows Macintosh Linux Unix Mobilní zařízení First a recap of browser coverage. Gives you an idea of the browser matrix and operation system coverage for our browser forms. No what may have struck you was that when the user filled in the form in the browser, there was no page refresh and no latency for postbacks to the server. How did that work? 36 ©2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

37 InfoPath Forms Services
4/5/2017 2:31 PM InfoPath Forms Services Společný základ Ovládací prvky, obchodní logika, napojení na data Digitální podpisy Objektový model managed kódu Kontrolér designu pro ověření funčknosti běhu na portále Nelze použít všechny prvky Nepoužívají se vlastní panely úloh Chytré otevření formuláře Pokud je nainstalován tlustý klient je použit Pomocí parametrů lze vynutit prohlížeč Kód sa navrhuje tiež iba raz Použitím manažovaného objekt.modelu (CLR 2.0) System.Xml. (nie MSXML) Tlstý klient Kód beží na strane klienta Dátové spojenia sa otvárajú z klienta Browser Kód beží na strane servera Dátové spojenia sa otvárajú zo servra Podmienené formátovanie, validácie, pravidlá, kalkulácie bežia v prehliadači (Ajax) Mimopásmový „postback“ Použitý pre kód alebo pre akcie, ktoré musia bežať na servri Môže kontrolovať, kedy sa udeje „postback“ When you design your form – you choose the browser-compatible design mode. As a result, you can use all the controls and features without worrying about whether the form will be opening in the browser or the client. From a design and coding point of view, everything works just the same. Now if you switch to the NON browser compatible mode, you will get some additional smart-client only controls and features. Switching back to the browser-compatible mode, you can use the Design Checker to tell you of any issues. Once you deploy the form, smart invocation kicks in to, by default, detect whether the users machine has the InfoPath client installed, or not, and automatically opens the form in browser or client as appropriate. [Notes: Minus Controls: File Attachment, Master/Detail, ActiveX, etc. Combo Box Multi-select List Box Lists Pictures File Attachment Master Detail Recursive Sections Choice Groups ActiveX] Vynutenie prehliadaca Links in Web pages or documents Additional query parameters can control behavior XsnLocation - What form to open and from where XmlLocation - What initial data to use OpenIn - Open in browser / client / either SaveLocation - Save Location for data Source - Navigate URL when form is closed ?xsnlocation=/formservertemplates/loanapplication.xsn &openin=browser 37 ©2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

38 Práce s formulářem XSN WSS Office 2007 server Publikování XSN ASPX
Zavedení XSN, XML Spuštení logiky Publikování XSN InfoPath Designer Možnosti formulářů ASPX Generování WSS XSN Stažení XSN, XML Vrácení aktuálního pole dat Stažení skriptů a pole dat Postback pomocí XMLHTTP InfoPath klient Browser Generování a renderování HTML Here’s the architecture for our design once client and browser support. For browser forms we are using and Ajax style architecture, with out-of-band postback through XMLHTTP, whenever the server DOES need to be involved in updated the form. Zavedení XSN, XML Spuštění logiky Validace Kalkulace Spuštění pravidel Editace akcí (skripty, skripty, ..) Validace Kalkulace Spuštění pravidiel Editace akcí

39 Potvrzení formuláře ASPX XSN WSS Webová služba Office 2007 server
Zavedení XSN, XML Spuštění logiky ASPX WSS XSN Postback pomocí XMLHTTP Potvrzení Potvrzení InfoPath klient Browser And when the user is ready to submit the form, it works like this: Now let me move into what’s involved for designing the same form once for both browser and InfoPath client. Zavedení XSN, XML Spuštění logiky

40 Infopath Webbrowser ready formulář
Michal Neuwirth DPE Group Microsoft Czech Demo: 1. Change pagination, number of results, search box display of scopes, and fix a static scope (walk through properties, page is ready) 2. Show static query functionality using a search results and paginator web parts combo. The parts stand alone on page. Query: "New in usability", scoped and ranked by date, over content in usability DL.

41 Agenda Architektura SharePoint Search Business Data Catalog
Excel Services InfoPath Forms Services Workflow

42 WSS/MOSS Workflows Postaveno nad Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
Uživatelé vytvářejí workflow pomocí SharePoint Designer Vývojáři používají Visual Studio 2005 Workflow formuláře se vytvářejí pomocí InfoPath 2007 Instructor Notes One of the visions when designing Office 12 was to prove to customers that Office was really more than something to create and review documents. Customers in enterprise scenarios require software that can automate document approval, publishing, archiving and disposal. Providing support for workflows that can automate business processes process was critical in achieving this vision. WSS and MOSS add another layer upon the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) to provide an environment for running workflows on list items and documents in WSS sites and MOSS portals. This layer integrates user interface elements into the browser and Office desktop applications for administrating and running workflows. This layer also makes it possible to build custom workflow with both the SharePoint Designers (for power users) and with Visual Studio 2005 (for developers).

43 Základní aktivity Přidělení úlohy Odeslání emailu
Vytvoření/úprava/smazání položky v seznamu Čekání na změnu dat ... WSS supports a broad set of WF primitives or “actions” for working with list data, sending , assigning tasks

44 Nástroje pro tvorbu workflow
SharePoint Designer Visual Studio Model vývoje Step by step designer Model vývoje Visual workflow designer Aktivity Použití předem daných aktivit Aktivity Použití předem daných aktivit Vytváření vlastních aktivit Formuláře Automaticky generované formuláře -ASPX Formuláře - InfoPath - ASPX In Office 12, we’ll support two tools for building workflows. First, let’s talk about the Professional Developer experience in Visual Studio: -The developer can use the WWF graphical design surface to build a workflow, which consists of activities. There will be a core set of workflow activities that ship with the WWF designer, and Office will ship a supplemental set of activities as well. -We support both InfoPath and ASPX forms, but in order to get the integration with the Office authoring applications, you must use InfoPath forms. -After building and compiling a workflow and its forms, a solution package is created that can be handed off to a SharePoint administrator for deployment Now let’s turn to the SharePoint Designer development model, which is geared toward knowledge workers. The key differences are: Activities can only be consumed but not written – in other words, this is a no-code authoring environment, which is more controlled from a security standpoint SharePoint Designer also has wizards that will automatically build workflow forms from data structures Deployment of workflows from SharePoint Designer is also very easy; they can be authored live against a server and are compiled at runtime Nasazení Tvorba přímo proti serveru Kompilace za běhu Nasazení Generované balíčky pro instalaci administrátorem

45 Workflow Michal Neuwirth DPE Group Microsoft Czech System IO Packaging
Časť WinFX Vo Windows Vista natívne, do Windows XP sa dá doinštalovať Vyžaduje .NET Framework 2.0 Umožňuje narábať s balíčkami Office Open XML súborov XML Paper Specification súbormi ľubovoľnými Open Packaging Convention súbormi

46 Na závěr MS Office SharePoint Server 2007
Integrace s podnikovými aplikacemi Programové využití vyhledávacích služeb Excel na straně serveru Formulářové služby Integrace s Workflow Foundation Talking Points This said, I hope you saw how the new Office open xml file formats can pave the way to plenty of new business scenarios and opportunities for ISVs working with documents. You will now get time to work on a lab and explore the power of the file format combining XML and ZIP technologies with many benefits. As a developer the main way of working with the format will be the WinFx packaging api.

47 Zdroje Business Data Catalog Excel Services
Excel Services Office InfoPath Forms Services v MOSS 2007 SharePoint Search MOSS BDC MetaData Manager

48 © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
This presentation is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.

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