Novinky ze zahraničí IVIG 2008

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Prezentace na téma: "Novinky ze zahraničí IVIG 2008"— Transkript prezentace:

1 Novinky ze zahraničí IVIG 2008

2 Novinky ze zahraničí, IVIG 2008 Mezinárodní logo informační gramotnosti Autor: Edgar Luy Pérez

3 Novinky ze zahraničí, IVIG 2008 TTT workshops – Train The Trainers pořádá UNESCO a IFLA po celém světě, podporuje NFIL – National Forum on Information Literacy AnkaraQuébecTalin

4 Novinky ze zahraničí, IVIG 2008 Infolitglobal - Information Literacy Resources Directory Specific Objective ONE - Report. To prepare a state of the art report on information literacy (IL) at international level, exploring IL developments and challenges in the different continents. Specific Objective TWO - Database. To identify Information Literacy tools, and outcomes that could be relevant to the international community, so that the best products can be promulgated as models for organizations, institutions or individuals who may need to on an IL project/program. Specific Objective THREE - Website. To create a website with the results of the identified/recorded IL tools so that they can be promoted by United Nations for Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).

5 Novinky ze zahraničí, IVIG 2008 EnIL - European Network on Information Literacy The European Observatory on IL Policies and Research Development of an assessment and certification system of IL competencies Management of the EnIL network

6 Novinky ze zahraničí, IVIG 2008 EFIL - European Forum for Information Literacy Second Life Inside EFIL building

7 Novinky ze zahraničí, IVIG 2008 Konference 2008 Third International Plagiarism Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Creating Knowledge V, Turku, Finland World Library and Information Congress: 74th IFLA General Conference and Council, Québec, Canada

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