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Vladimír Vencálek CEO Martin Švec CRM Projekt Manažer
Odemkněte sílu produktivity s Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 a Microsoft Office 365 Červen 2012 Vladimír Vencálek CEO Martin Švec CRM Projekt Manažer
What We’re Hearing From customers
Obvyklé výzvy: Náš team potřebuje lépe spolupracovat a komunikovat. Naši lidi nemají přístup k informacím, které potřebují. Potřebujeme zoptimalizovat naše procesy. … a s tím potřebujeme snížit náklady. Cost of Development (Buy vs. Build) Cost of Maintenance (On-Premises vs. Hosted) Cost of Training Infrastructure consolidation +
Odemkněte Váš potenciál produktivity
Zvyšte Vaši produktivitu se známými, inteligentními a propojenými nástroji. Maximalizujte efektivitu skrz teamovou spolupráci a komunikaci. Snižte náklady a zvyšte hbitost s cloudem. +
Zvyšte Vaši produktivitu se známými, inteligentními a propojenými nástroji.
SÍLA PRODUKTIVITY: “Dosahování produktivity dává potřebné změny v pracovních postupech takové, že lidé pracují chytřejí, dosahují více a dodávají větší kvalitu a uvědomují si hodnotu své námahy.” Mark McDonald, GVP, Gartner And this increasingly competitive landscape has led to a renewed focus on productivity. As you can see by the above quote from Gartner, productivity gains are viewed as a key requirement for earnings growth and ultimately success. And that is exactly what the new capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 are focused on: Improving productivity. With that in mind, we are shifting our messaging from “Power of Choice” to “Power of Productivity”. +
Síla produktivity: Outlook Prohlížeč Mobil Obchod Podpora
Rozšířené CRM Maximalizace vztahů Sledujte a řiďte obchodní interakce Zvyšte obchodní produktivitu Maximalizujte pohled a pochopení obchodního procesu. Maximalizace vztahů se zákazníkem Umožňuje využití více kanálů komunikace Dává efektivitu a konzistenci v exekuci Doručuje podporu co Vás odliší od konkurence Zvýšená hodnota vztahů Zvýší to jak si sedne CRM k Vám do organizace Umožní operativní excelenci Zvýší náhled na bussines With Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Dynamics CRM Online you can amplify your productivity through Familiar, Intelligent and Connected tools for Sales, Customer Care and Extended CRM. Allowing you to focus on the customer relationship by providing comprehensive access and shared visibility and insight into all your customer information, each interaction, transactions, preferences and details, allowing you and your organization to focus on responding quickly, accurately and effectively. You will see customer satisfaction improve and Microsoft Dynamics CRM will make it easy for you to do it. The Result is Marketing Effectiveness giving you the power to manage the entire campaign lifecycle and measure performance of marketing so you can concentrate on your best channels. Targeting the right campaigns to the right audiences. Giving you unified tools to coordinate your efforts across channels. Tools to automate lead qualification, approvals, and campaign management help marketing personnel be more effective. And providing key insight and tracking so you can figuring out where you’re doing well and where you need to improve. Orchestrate campaigns across multiple channels, automate key processes, track marketing impact and discover insights to maximize the value of your marketing investment. +
Komunikace a spolupráce posiluje produktivitu
Odlišná komunikace Sdílení informací Telefon už není primární komunikační nástroj. Obchod musí být komunikován různými formami od ů přes video hovory až po sociální média. Pro to, aby byla komunikace účinná se musí sdílené informace přesné, aktuální a lidi je musí být schopni nalézt. The old saying is that Information = Power. But with the amount of information out there and in your business you must be able to efficiently access that information, share it across your organization and be able to affectively communicate it out to your customers through a diversified set of communication mediums. Having integrated communication and collaboration tools is critical for you to succeed. You need integrated and easy to use communication and collaboration tools to be able to efficiently share information across your org, have quick and easy access to find the correct information, and be able to affectively communicate it back to your customer via the method that they are most confortable with. Integrated communication and collaboration tools are critical to success +
Work together, smarter ACCESS ANYWHERE* Solve problems from more places WORKS WITH WHAT YOU KNOW Familiar tools ROBUST SECURITY AND RELIABILITY 99.9% uptime. Guaranteed. IT CONTROL AND EFFICIENCY Keeps you in control Zahrnuje: + * Access from mobile devices depends on carrier network quality and availability ** “Connect Securely” is not a guarantee of 100% connection security.”
Plně Integrovaná zkušenost
SMSG Readiness 4/5/2017 Plně Integrovaná zkušenost Integrovaný Outlook Live Meeting a sjednocená komunikace Přehledné & Účinné CRM Online has many business scenarios with Office 365 to improve user productivity. In addition to the Outlook and Office (Word, Excel) value, there are many “better together” scenarios with Office 365. Exchange Online = Ability to send and receive from CRM Online SharePoint Online = SharePoint document libraries for CRM records (i.e., content library for CRM opportunities) Lync Online = Presence for CRM users (i.e., support cases) Lync Online = Ability to track Live Meeting events in CRM (i.e., Track in CRM) Spolupracující & Integrované Bohatý document management IM dostupnost v reálném čase +
CRM Online + Exchange Online
CRM Online Outlook Klient Add-in Používá Microsoft Outlook k posílání a přijetí ů Trakuje s, kontakty, úkoly a schůzky v CRM Online Hromadný importy kontaktů z Outlooku Microsoft Office Outlook seamlessly connects to the Microsoft Exchange Online service providing end users the same experience as if the company had deployed it on-premise. Exchange Connectivity for in Microsoft Dynamics CRM is facilitated through either the Microsoft CRM Outlook Client or the Router. Outlook Client Microsoft CRM can send using MS Outlook, Exchange or other smtp or pop3 services. Using Outlook to send is very easy and requires checking 2 boxes on the Client PC to configure. Another benefit of using Outlook to send is that the will display in the Outlook Sent Items. A downside of using Outlook is that s will not send when the PC is off or Outlook is offline. If for example a workflow was deployed to automatically send s and was assigned to the user when the PC was powered down, it would not immediately send. *Requires client side installation Zvyšte productivitu s integrovanou zkušeností uživatele s Outlookem. +
CRM Online + SharePoint Online
Statická SharePoint Integrace SharePoint Online portal, jako například sdílená složka dokumentů, kontaktů a kaledáře atd. může být integrovaná do CRM. Static: This is accomplished by performing a simple modification of the CRM sitemap to add a link to the left hand navigation bar titled “SharePoint Documents” that when clicked displays the Shared Documents site for the appropriate Office 365 site. Zvyšte spolupráci s SharePoint Online integrací. +
CRM Online + SharePoint Online
Dynamická SharePoint Integrace SharePoint Online portal pro CRM Online záznam (jako Obchodní vztah, příležitost, servisní případ atd.) může být automaticky vytvořená v SharePointu z CRM. Dynamic: This is accomplished by adding jscript to the CRM form to dynamically display the correct SharePoint Online site. This process may require some manual task such as creating the SharePoint Online site. Additionally you could leverage an ISV solution to automate this process. Code on 3rd party server – dynamic site creation and context-based document library This provides CRM users the flexibility to create a collaboration site for the CRM record straight from the CRM UI or quickly access collaboration sites for existing Accounts, Opportunities, etc. within the CRM UI. Vytvořte efektivitu s SharePoint Online integrací. +
CRM Online + Lync Online
Dostupnost Umožňuje vidět jestli jsou Vaši kolegové dostupní a je možná i integrace s telefonní ústřednou. One of the many benefits of Lync Online is the ability to see the “presence” of a colleague such as “In a Meeting”, “Busy” or “Available”. Presence is updated automatically based on a user’s calendar items in Microsoft Exchange or set manually by the user. Add screenshots Presence is natively enabled within Microsoft Dynamics CRM allowing CRM users to see the presence of their colleagues or contacts* directly in the CRM UI. To leverage the benefits of OCS presence within CRM, the CRM user must have Lync installed. * Only external contacts whose organizations have federated with your company or are signed into a WLID based service (such as Hotmail) will display presence in CRM. Maximalizujte využití zdrojů s Lync Online integrací. +
CRM Online + Lync Online
Live Meeting Online schůzky sledované v CRM a to včetně IM konverzace Lync Online vám umožní se zaměřit na vaše hlavní priority. +
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