Tutorial: Mechanic - electrician Topic: Technical training II. class Printed circuit boards 3 Prepared by: Melichařík Lubomír Projekt Anglicky v odborných.

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2 Tutorial: Mechanic - electrician Topic: Technical training II. class Printed circuit boards 3 Prepared by: Melichařík Lubomír Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

3 Semiprofessional PCB production - data processing - Electrical schematic (OrCAD, EAGLE)

4 Print (creation) film (the original, cliche) - On a laser printer (special foil) - On an inkjet printer (special foil) - On the common printer it is not possible to create a rich black color The quality of the film is given by: - consistency layer film - Transparency film - Intensity of black

5 Preparation of cuprextite boards  - select the size and shearing of the cuprextite boards  - Filing, chamfering  - Application of a photosensitive layer (brush, on centrifuge)  - Cured in a furnace

6 Drilling fixation holes (double-sided PCB) PCB exposure (photosensitive layer)

7 Calling in the developer Etching Developer-NaOH Countersink for copper

8 Drilling holes-drill for PCB, PCB description

9 1. Describe the preparation of the cuprextite plates 2. Write what is produced in the film (the original, cliche) 3. Write what is given to the quality of the film

10  1. Write what solution is used when creating the PCB  2. Write what solution is used for etching PCB 

11 Vlastní pracovní sešit. www.prototypdps.cz

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