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ZveřejnilSimona Krausová
OZNAČENÍ MATERIÁLU: AJ166 NÁZEV VZDĚLÁVACÍHO MATERIÁLU: The USA NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola, Znojmo, Václavské nám. 8 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3337 KLÍČOVÁ AKTIVITA: II/2 TÉMA HODINY: Anglicky mluvící země ROČNÍK: 5., 6. PŘEDMĚT: Anglický jazyk AUTOR MATERIÁLU: Mgr. Helena Šteflová DRUH UČEBNÍHO MATERIÁLU: Prezentace POPIS PRÁCE S MATERIÁLEM: Žáci získají základní informace o zemi MEZIPŘEDMĚTOVÉ VZTAHY: Vlastivěda, zeměpis Zdroj:
The United States of America
The USA borders Mexico, the Pacific Ocean, Canada and the Atlantic Ocean. It´s a federal republic which consists of fifty states and the District of Columbia. Alaska and Hawaii belong to the USA too. The head of the federal government is the President. Congress is the supreme lawmaking body in the country.
The American Flag 50 white stars symbolize 50 American states, 6 white and 7 red stripes represent the original 13 states.
The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains. There are five Great Lakes on the Canadian border. The biggest rivers are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande. The first National Park was Yellowstone. Another one is Grand Canyon.
Washington, D.C. is the capital city of the USA. D.C. means District of Columbia. The city is named after the first American President.
The White House is a residence of the American President. The U.S.Capitol is the seat of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
New York City is the biggest city of the USA. The Statue of Liberty
Los Angeles is the second biggest city of the USA. The film studios.
Chicago Houston Dallas
Universities Harvard, Yale and Princeton are the most prestigious private universities in the Eastern United States; on the West Coast, the University of California at Berkeley and the University of California at Los Angeles. Harvard Yale
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