Datum:   Projekt: Kvalitní výuka Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/

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Prezentace na téma: "Datum:   Projekt: Kvalitní výuka Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/"— Transkript prezentace:

1 Datum: Projekt: Kvalitní výuka Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Číslo DUM: VY_22_INOVACE_46 Jméno autora: Mgr. Linda Libenská Název práce: My dream holidays Předmět: angličtina Ročník: 2 Časová dotace: 45 minut Vzdělávací cíl: Upevnění slovní zásoby týkající se témat – Prázdniny, dovolená. Pomůcky: Počítačová učebna s připojením internetu pro studenty. Počítač s projektorem pro učitele. Poznámka: Studenti pracují ve dvojicích nebo skupinách u jednoho počítače. Je to skupinová práce. Inovace: Zapojení audiovizuální techniky do výuky.

2 Bubblr – picture stories

3 For teachers:

4 What is Bubblr? Bubblr is a project by Pimpampum.net based on Flickr images.

5 How to create picture stories at Bubblr?
First, think of your dream holidays and set the task to students.

6 Set the task to students
Choose the topic for a picture story, e.g. My dream holidays. Do the brainstorming with students about different types of holidays. Students work in groups at one computer. They create their own stories of their dream holidays. Go to Bubblr at

7 How to work with Bubblr? Go to Bubblr at Enter a key word into the Tag box and click Go. Bubblr is a project by Pimpampum.net based on Flickr images. Scroll through the thumbnails at the top of the page. The thumbnails scroll automatically when you place the mouse curser near the right side of the screen. Click on show next for more. Choose an appropriate image and drag it into the middle. Drag a speech bubble onto the image and enter text into the speech bubble. More images can be dragged into the centre, either onto the previous image to replace it or either side of the image to add to the strip. Click Publish, enter your details and click Done. Click on View Archive to see the strip in the archive (listed by name). Click on it to get the unique URL.

8 For students:

9 How to work with Bubblr? Go to Bubblr at Enter a key word into the Tag box and click Go. Bubblr is a project by Pimpampum.net based on Flickr images. Scroll through the thumbnails at the top of the page. The thumbnails scroll automatically when you place the mouse curser near the right side of the screen. Click on show next for more. Choose an appropriate image and drag it into the middle. Drag a speech bubble onto the image and enter text into the speech bubble. More images can be dragged into the centre, either onto the previous image to replace it or either side of the image to add to the strip. Click Publish, enter your details and click Done. Click on View Archive to see the strip in the archive (listed by name). Click on it to get the unique URL.

10 The example strip on http://www. pimpampum
The example strip on under the name ″Linda″ – ″My dream holidays″.

11 Your ideas?

12 Použité zdroje:

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