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ZveřejnilEgil Dahl
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
Translation 08/06 Kdy byste chtěli odejít? When would you like to leave? Pojďme ihned. Let‘s go straight away. Mám ti s tím pomoci? Shall I help you with it? Je to moc drahé. Koupím něco jiného. It‘s too expensive. I‘ll buy something else. To nebude stát moc. It won‘t cost much. Tenhle obchod není tak levný jako trh. This shop isn‘t as cheap as the market. Chtěl bys tento sendvič nebo tamten? Would you like this sandwich or that one? Kupme to na trhu. Let‘s buy it at the market. Mohla bych si to vyzkoušet, prosím? Could I try it on, please? Tohle je hezké. Já si to vyzkouším. This is nice. I‘ll try it on.
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