NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola Strančice, okres Praha - východ

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1 NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola Strančice, okres Praha - východ
AUTOR: Mgr. Lenka Kulhavá NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_ O 08 TEMA: Angličtina ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/

2 ANOTACE: Prezentace je určena pro žáky 2. stupně ZŠ k rozšíření učiva angličtiny o znalost přísloví. V první části prezentace mají děti za úkol najít význam přísloví a přiřadit ho ke správnému přísloví. V druhé části prezentace se žáci snaží najít druhou část přísloví a přiřadit ji k první části. Jako další úkol mohou děti hledat český ekvivalent k jednotlivým příslovím, pokud existuje.

3 PROVERBS I Lenka Kulhavá

4 You can lead a horse to water but you can ´t make it drink.
The person who doesn ´t work can ´t expect help. It ´s better for us to help themselves. Oil and water don ´t mix. It´s fine to say something but sometimes it ´s beter not to speak too much. Speech is silver but silence is golden. You can get so. the opportunity to do sth. ,but he must work on his own, he must decide to do it himself. God helps those who help themselves. You must work very long and hard to reach perfect results. (Great things have their time). Rome was ´t built in a day. Don´t mix the things which don ´t go together. MATCH THE PROVERBS WITH THE EXPLANATIONS:

5 Variety is the spice of life.
The change doesn ´t become better from a bad situation to another bad one. The pen is mighter than the sword. Children take after their parents. He got out of the frying pan into the fire. The written words can persist for many years and can spread to a lot of people. The apple doesn ´t fall from the tree. People shouldn ´t damage what protects them. People in glass houses shouldn ´t throw stones. Monotonous life isn ´t very entertaining. MATCH THE PROVERBS WITH THE EXPLANATIONS:

6 You can lead a horse to water
but silence is golden. Oil and water help themselves. Speech is silver built in a day. God helps those who but you can´t make it drink. Rome wasn ´t don ´t mix. MATCH THE PARTS OF THE SENTENCES:

7 Variety is mighter than the sword. The pen is the frying pan into the fire. He got out of far from the tree. The apple doesn ´t fall shouldn ´t throw stones. People in glass houses the spice of life. MATCH THE PARTS OF THE SENTENCES:

8 ZDROJE: vlastní

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