Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

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Prezentace na téma: "Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026"— Transkript prezentace:

1 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Geography of the nature. Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

2 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography It deals with the distribution of all living organisms on the Earth. Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

3 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography It deals with the expansion of all living organisms on the Earth. Where do organisms live, why do they live there and how many organisms are there? Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

4 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Area: A set of all places where the organism occurs. Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

5 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Area A set of all places where the organism occurs. Location (ecological and geographical) The environment type and the biogeographical region in which it lives.. Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

6 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Area A set of all places where the organism occurs. Location (ecological and geographical) Size. Expansion (extralimitary, invasive…) vs. regression Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

7 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Area A set of all places where the organism occurs. Location (ecological and geographical) Size. Expansion (extralimitary, invasive…) vs. regression Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

8 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Area A set of all places where the organism occurs. Location (ecological and geographical) Size. Expansion (extralimitary, invasive…) vs. regression More species has small areas. Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

9 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Area A set of all places where the organism occurs. Location (ecological and geographical) Size. Shape. Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

10 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Area A set of all places where the organism occurs. Location (ecological and geographical) Size. Shape. Connectivity Predominate disjunctive (shattered). Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

11 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Global patterns in biogeography. Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

12 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Global patterns in biogeography: Area. With the growing area of a suitable habitat, as a rule, the number of taxa is increasing. Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

13 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Global patterns in biogeography: Area. Altitude. With higher altitude , as a rule, the number of taxa decreases. Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

14 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Global patterns in biogeography: Area. Altitude. Latitude. From the poles to the equator, the number of taxa is usually increasing. Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

15 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Theory of island biogeography. Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

16 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Theory of island biogeography: The number of species is usually increasing with the size of the island (i.e. the area). The number of species is usually increasing with approaching the island (i.e. the distance) to mainland. Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

17 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Endemit Its occurrence is limited to a particular area or location. Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

18 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Cosmopolitan species Is spread practically all over the earth's surface. As a criterion is usually occurrence on five continents (without Antarctica). In case of marine species occurrence in all oceans. E.g. reed, orca, human… Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

19 Jakub Horák, http://home.czu.cz/horakj/, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026
Biogeography Relict Taxa with a limited area representing the rest of the original extension. Its area is a refugee. Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

20 Thank you for your attention
Jakub Horák, horakj(na)fld.czu.cz, L026

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