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Linguistic Issues Czech language ZŠ Brno, Herčíkova 19 Czech Republic

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1 Linguistic Issues Czech language ZŠ Brno, Herčíkova 19 Czech Republic

2 Development of languages in Europe

3 Latin and Roman Empire Catalan language Czech language
Romanian language Greek language English language

4 Language description Czech language speak: 10,7 million people Area of our country: 78,866 km2 Official language : Czech language Language in media and television: Czech, sometimes slang, for example when there is a joke. Films in English: usually dubbed, sometimes subtitles Font system: Latin alphabet

5 Languages in our school
Compulsory languages: Czech - since 1st to 9th grade (6-8 lessons a week) English - since 1st to 9th grade (3 lessons a week) Optional languages: Russian - since 7th to 9th grades (2 les. a week) Spanish - since 7th to 9th grades (2 les. a week) German - since 7th to 9th grades (2 les. a week) Every student chooses 1 language of these 3 as compulsory. One lesson is 45 minutes long.

6 The kidnapping of Europe LATIN TEXT
non bene conveniunt nec in una sede morantur maiestas et amor; sceptri gravitate relicta ille pater rectorque deum, cui dextra trisulcis ignibus armata est, qui nutu concutit orbem, induitur faciem tauri mixtusque iuvencis               mugit et in teneris formosus obambulat herbis. quippe color nivis est, quam nec vestigia duri calcavere pedis nec solvit aquaticus auster. colla toris exstant, armis palearia pendent, cornua vara quidem, sed quae contendere possis               facta manu, puraque magis perlucida gemma. nullae in fronte minae, nec formidabile lumen: pacem vultus habet. miratur Agenore nata, quod tam formosus, quod proelia nulla minetur; sed quamvis mitem metuit contingere primo,          mox adit et flores ad candida porrigit ora. gaudet amans et, dum veniat sperata voluptas, oscula dat manibus; vix iam, vix cetera differt; et nunc adludit viridique exsultat in herba, nunc latus in fulvis niveum deponit harenis;               paulatimque metu dempto modo pectora praebet virginea plaudenda manu, modo cornua sertis inpedienda novis; ausa est quoque regia virgo nescia, quem premeret, tergo considere tauri, cum deus a terra siccoque a litore sensim                falsa pedum primis vestigia ponit in undis; inde abit ulterius mediique per aequora ponti fert praedam: pavet haec litusque ablata relictum respicit et dextra cornum tenet, altera dorso inposita est; tremulae sinuantur flamine vestes.

7 The kidnapping of Europe
Royalty and love do not sit well together, nor stay long in the same house. So the father and ruler of the gods, who is armed with the three-forked lightning in his right hand, whose nod shakes the world, setting aside his royal sceptre, took on the shape of a bull, lowed among the other cattle, and, beautiful to look at, wandered in the tender grass. In colour he was white as the snow that rough feet have not trampled and the rain-filled south wind has not melted. The muscles rounded out his neck, the dewlaps hung down in front, the horns were twisted, but one might argue they were made by hand, purer and brighter than pearl. His forehead was not fearful, his eyes were not formidable, and his expression was peaceful. Agenor’s daughter marvelled at how beautiful he was and how unthreatening. But though he seemed so gentle she was afraid at first to touch him. Soon she drew close and held flowers out to his glistening mouth. The lover was joyful and while he waited for his hoped-for pleasure he kissed her hands. He could scarcely separate then from now. At one moment he frolicks and runs riot in the grass, at another he lies down, white as snow on the yellow sands. When her fear has gradually lessened he offers his chest now for virgin hands to pat and now his horns to twine with fresh wreaths of flowers. The royal virgin even dares to sit on the bull’s back, not realising whom she presses on, while the god, first from dry land and then from the shoreline, gradually slips his deceitful hooves into the waves. Then he goes further out and carries his prize over the mid-surface of the sea. She is terrified and looks back at the abandoned shore she has been stolen from and her right handgrips a horn, the other his back, her clothes fluttering, winding, behind her in the breeze. The kidnapping of Europe ENGLISH TEXT

8 The kidnapping of Europe
Dobře se nehodí k sobě a na trůně nesedí jenom s láskou. On, otec a vládce všech bohů, trojklané blesky jak zbraň svou v pravici svíral, jenž kývnutím třásl, své mocné opustiv žezlo, se v krásného býka, a smísiv se do stáda kravek, a po měkké trávě se prochází vznešeným krokem. Má padlého sněhu, jejž dosud nepošlapala šlépěje nohy a jižní netavil vítr. Krku zjevný jsou svaly a lalok s plecí mu visí, má malé, jak lidská ruka by vytvořila je, však leskly se víc, než nejčistší drahokam skví se. Na něm hrozného není, ni v očích se netají hrozba: v tváři jas míru mu ležel. Dceř diví se Agénorova, že jest překrásný tak a nevěstí boje ni půtky. Zprvu však přece se bála, ač mírný byl, dotknout se jeho. Brzy jde blíže а k bělostné tlamě mu květiny podá. Těší to jeho touhu, a doufaje v budoucí rozkoš, ručky jí líže a na chvíli ještě svůj odkládá výboj. Hned se v milostné hře k ní vzpíná v zelené trávě, hned zase bělostným tělem se pokládá v žlutavý písek. Když ji opustil strach, hned plece jí nabízí svoje, aby je poplácala, hned nastrkuje zas rohy k ovití novými věnci, až konečně odvážila se princezna usednout naň, nic nevědouc, na kom to sedí. Pozvolna od země dál a od břehu dále a dále šalebné nechával stopy a do vln mořských již kráčel, potom prchá s ní dále a doprostřed hladiny moře odnáší kořist. Ta děsem se ohlíží к pevnině zpátky, od níž jest unášena, svou pravicí za roh jej držíc, levici na hřbet mu kladouc, a šaty jí ve větru vlají. The kidnapping of Europe CZECH TEXT

9 How people say this in Czech? English-Czech glossary
Hi Ahoj Good morning Dobré ráno Good night Dobrou noc How are you? Jak se máš? I am fine Mám se dobře My name is Jmenuji se Thank you Děkuji You are welcome Nemáš zač I like Mám rád I love you Miluji tě See you Uvidíme se

10 ZŠ Brno, Herčíkova 19 Czech Republic Marie Roubalová Marie Jíchová
Tereza Doležalová Jan Sedlář Michal Klimeš ZŠ Brno, Herčíkova 19 Czech Republic

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