Petr Michálek Datum konání:

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1 Petr Michálek Datum konání: 14.3.2014
Methods to investigate interaction of viral proteins with the peptides and proteins Petr Michálek Datum konání: Investice do rozvoje vzdělávání

2 The human genome consists of – genes coding for over different proteins of which more than can be produced by the cell at any given time (the cellular ‘proteome’). Is has been estimated that over 80% of proteins do not operate alone but in complexes.

3 Co-immunoprecipitation

4 Pull-Down Assays

5 Label Transfer Protein Interaction Analysis

6 Far-Western Blot Analysis

7 Two-hybrid screening

8 Fluorescence Polarization


10 Investice do rozvoje vzdělávání
Acknowledgements Investice do rozvoje vzdělávání 11

11 Thank you for your attention
Investice do rozvoje vzdělávání

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