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ŠKOLA: Gymnázium, Chomutov, Mostecká 3000, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Mgr.David Rohusch NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_03C_11 _Free time TEMA: Slovní zásoba ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ DATUM TVORBY: 22/8/2013
ANOTACE Materiál je určen k interaktivní výuce.
Materiál je určen pro žáky úrovně A2,B1. Časově je koncipován na jednu vyučovací hodinu. Cílem této prezentace je připravit žáka na všeobecné téma k ústní maturitní zkoušce z AJ: “Free time“. Žák bude schopen komunikovat na dané téma (odpovídat na otázky, vést rozhovor, popisovat obrázky) za použití vhodné slovní zásoby a větných vazeb. Slide 3,5,7,9: Žáci si procvičují slovní zásobu. Podle pokynů v prezentaci pracují s digitálním perem / fixem, zapisují odpovědi na interaktivní tabuli a poté je kontrolují se správným řešením. Neznámou slovní zásobu si zapisují do sešitů. V případě potřeby vyhledávají slovní zásobu v online slovníku. Slide 11: Studenti pracují ve dvojicích a odpovídají na otázky jako v ústní části maturity Task1. Materiál je určen k interaktivní výuce.
ART Divide the words into groups, if needed use
Dictionary Divide the words into groups, if needed use Conductor, lyrics, plot, rehearsal, strings, canvas, easel, stage, applause, out of tune, on display, extra, curtain call, still lifes, landscapes, brass Music Painting Theatre
ART Divide the words into groups
Conductor, lyrics, plot, rehearsal, strings, canvas, easel, stage, applause, out of tune, on display, extra, curtain call, still lifes, landscapes, brass Music Painting Theatre Conductor canvas plot lyrics easel rehearsal, strings on display Stage, curtain call out of tune still lifes applause brass landscapes extra
ART Complete with the person
Piano - organ - drums – Trumpet - harp - flute – Sculpture - novel - comedy – Fill in – chorus, gig, venues, lyrics, sound, tour, verses My favourite band is going on a………..this March.They should be playing at different ……..all over the country. I wish they do a …….. somewhere near. I love them because of the………. more than the………. . Sometimes they tend to sing two ……….only and then repeat the ………many times.
ART Complete with the person
Piano - pianist organ - organist drums – drummer Trumpet - trumpeter harp – harp player flute – flautist Sculpture - sculptor novel - novelist comedy – comedian Fill in – chorus, gig, venues, lyrics, sound, tour, verses My favourite band is going on a tour.this March.They should be playing at different venues all over the country. I wish they do a gig somewhere near. I love them because of the lyrics more than the sound . Sometimes they tend to sing two verses only and then repeat the chorus many times.
SPORT Circle the disciplines of athletics
Javelin throw, pole-vault, weight-lifting, fencing, show jumping, hurdles, shot-put, pentathlon, surfing, triple jump, curling, discus, cycling Which sport uses this equipment or places Bat racquet club stick shuttlecock Goggles arrows rifle ribbon paddle Pitch court course piste rink
SPORT Circle the disciplines of athletics
Javelin throw, pole-vault, weight-lifting, fencing, show jumping, hurdles, shot-put, pentathlon, surfing, triple jump, curling, discus, cycling Which sport uses this equipment or places Bat racquet club stick shuttlecock Baseball tennis golf hockey badminton Goggles arrows rifle ribbon paddle Skiing archery shooting gymnastics canoeing Pitch court course piste rink Football tennis golf skiing skating
HOBBIES Dictionary Choose a few and discuss what you need, where you can do it and how often (use a dictionary if needed) Fishing, photography, collecting stamps, coins…, hiking, knitting, model-making, drama classes, keeping a pet, pottery Match the words with the verbs GO PLAY DO Fishing, knitting, hiking, pottery, draughts, pool, poker, yoga
HOBBIES Choose a few and discuss what you need, where you can do it and how often (use a dictionary if needed) Fishing, photography, collecting stamps, coins…, hiking, knitting, model-making, drama classes, keeping a pet, pottery Match the words with the verbs GO PLAY DO Fishing, knitting, hiking, pottery, draughts, pool, poker, yoga
SPEAKING Use the vocabulary from the presentation, work in pairs and answer the questions (speak for 2,5min) What do you do in your free time? Are you more into culture or sports? How much time do you spend and what do you do on computer? Are you a theatre-goer? What music or art do you like?
CITACE Slide 2,9: zdroje : archiv autora
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