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Název školy: ZŠ Varnsdorf, Edisonova 2821, okres Děčín, příspěvková organizace Jazyk a jazyková komunikace, Anglický jazyk, Nový Zéland Autor: Michaela.

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Prezentace na téma: "Název školy: ZŠ Varnsdorf, Edisonova 2821, okres Děčín, příspěvková organizace Jazyk a jazyková komunikace, Anglický jazyk, Nový Zéland Autor: Michaela."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Název školy: ZŠ Varnsdorf, Edisonova 2821, okres Děčín, příspěvková organizace Jazyk a jazyková komunikace, Anglický jazyk, Nový Zéland Autor: Michaela Galbavá, DiS. Název materiálu: VY_22_INOVACE_26/I.SADA Anotace: Prezentace je určena pro žáky II.stupně ZŠ, slouží k výkladu a opakování učiva Nový Zéland Období: září – prosinec 2011

2 New Zealand New Zealand is situated southeast of Australia.
New Zealand consists of two large islands: North and South. The characteristics of New Zealand are evergreen forest with warm climate.

3 Basic Facts Capital: Wellington Largest city: Auckland
Population: 4,393,500 Official Language: Maori Spoken Language: English Currency: New Zealand Dollar

4 Basic Facts Head of the State: queen Elizabeth II., she is represented by the Governor General Government: Constitutional monarchy and Parliamentary democracy. The National anthem is called God Defend New Zealand and the national flag is very similar to the Australian one with the Southern Cross and Union Jack.

5 Geography Nature The country is hilly, full of rocks, volcanoes, hot springs, mud pools and geysers. There are 18 peaks over 3,000 metres with the highest mountain Mount Cook . The typical animals are kiwis, mountains parrots, albatrosses, gannets, penguins, reptiles etc. New Zealand is home of the world‘s largest insect – weta. About the quarter of NZ is forested. These areas are protected from commercialization in national parks.

6 Couriosities FILM SPORT
Film makers often use the countryside for making films The Oskar winning film Lord of the Rings was shot there. The favourite sport of New Zealand is rugby. New Zealand national league team is called “The Kiwis“ The New Zealand won the rugby world cup in October 2011.

7 History The islands were dicovered by a Dutch seaman Abel Tasman in 1642 – it was a Dutch Colony first. 1769 Captain James Cook claimed the Country for Great Britain. New Zealand was the first country in the world to give women the right to vote.

8 The original inhabitants
Maori The Maoris were originally cannibals of Polynesian origin. Their culture is wonderful. Maybe you know the “rugby dance - HAKA" or the typical Maori tattoos Maoris are the second biggest ethnic group living in New Zealand.

9 REVIEW What is the Capital? How is New Zealand divided?
What kind of state is New Zealand? Who were the first inhabitants? Do you know who discovered New Zealand? Can you name what kinds of animals live there? Do you know any interesting information about New Zealand?

10 Použité zdroje Veškeré obrázky v prezentaci byly použity z galerie, citováno

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