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Název školy: ZŠ Klášterec nad Ohří, Krátká 676 Autor: Mgr
Název školy: ZŠ Klášterec nad Ohří, Krátká 676 Autor: Mgr. Tereza Černá Název materiálu:VY_32_INOVACE_19_16_Present simple x Past simple Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ Anotace: Prezentace pro 2. stupeň základních škol. Slouží jako materiál k procvičení, upevnění a zopakování již probraného učiva pomocí data projektoru či interaktivní tabule. Části prezentace lze použít jako kontrolní test. Čas vymezený na práci s prezentací je minut, včetně kontroly.
Find the right answer: Do you like cheese. Yes, she does
Find the right answer: Do you like cheese? Yes, she does. Did Tom have a lizard? No, I don´t. Does Tina go to work? No, I´m not. Is he a good friend? Yes, he is. Are you Spanish? Yes, he did. Did you see that film? No, we aren´t. Are we all classmates? No, they don´t. Do they study German? No, I didn´t.
Make the negatives: It was sunny weather yesterday morning
Make the negatives: It was sunny weather yesterday morning. …………………………………………………………………………. I bought a pair of new shoes. …………………………………………………………………………. Tina has a problem with her dog. …………………………………………………………………………. He eats a lot of dog food every day. …………………………………………………………………………. We are in trouble. We broke the window. ………………………………………………………………………….. It wasn´t sunny weather yesterday morning. I didn´t buy a pair of new shoes. Tina doesn´t have a problem with her dog. He doesn´t eat a lot of dog food every day. We aren´t in trouble. We didn´t break the window.
Find and correct the mistakes: Does you always get up early. ……………………
Find and correct the mistakes: Does you always get up early? …………………….. I were at home yesterday. …………………….. Jane go to school every day. …………………….. Do you liked your job? …………………….. What are your favourite film? …………………….. Tom studys foreign languages. …………………….. Did you be in ZOO last week? …………………….. What time did you get up every day? …………………….. Do was goes like is studies Were you do
POUŽITÁ LITERATURA A CITACE: Obrázky použity ze sady Office Není-li uvedeno jinak je materiál dílem autorky podle učebních osnov odpovídajících ŠVP vyučovaných podle učebnic: HUTCHINSON,T., PELTERET,C.Project 2.Oxford University Press, ISBN MURPHY, R. Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, ISBN SCIBOROWSKA, B., ZARANSKA,J. Let´s play grammar. Infoa, ISBN Citováno dne DUM uložen na-
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