Miroslava Lučanská, Czech Republic

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1 Miroslava Lučanská, Czech Republic
Task 1 Myth of Europe Miroslava Lučanská, Czech Republic

2 Europe‘s kidnapping Europe was a daughter of king Agénór and his wife Télefass. Europe was beautiful and Zeus fell in love with her. So he planned her kidnapping. He changed into a beautiful white bull to hide from his wife Héra. He came to Europe and kidnapped her over the sea to Crete. He changed to a person and they had three children.

3 In Czech Europa byla dcera krále Agénóra a jeho ženy Télefassy. Europa byla tak krásná, až se do ní zamiloval sám bůh Zeus. Naplánoval její únos na ostrov Kréta. Proměnil se na krásného bílého býka, aby ho nepoznala jeho žena Héra. Zeus přišel za Europou a unesl jí přes moře na Krétu. Tam se proměnil zpět na člověka a s Europou měli tři děti.

4 Coin 1 1. What is the name of this coin? Why? The name of this coin is Euro, because EU is in Europe and many EU countries pay with Euro. The name is derived from Europe based on the legend. 2. What is depicted on it? Why? On the coin is depicted kidnapping of Europe. It is a famous Greek myth and it gave name to Europe continent. 3. What country is it from? How did you notice it? This coin is from Greece. I noticed it, because there is Europe with a bull on it. And there is a Greek alphabet.

5 Coin 2 Yes, I am. There is written Europe and 2 Euro on the coin.
4. Are you able to translate into your own language two words written on the coin? Yes, I am. There is written Europe and 2 Euro on the coin. 5. Do you have the same currency in your country? Why? No, I don‘t. And why? Because the Czech Republic uses its own currency - Czech crown.

6 Painting of Europe This painting is from Russian famous painter Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov. The painting was painted in 1910 in modernist, Parisian style in tempera on cardboard. Its name is The Rape of Europe. You can see it in State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

7 Sculpture of Europe This sculpture if from Italian sculptor Giovanni Francesco Rustici, It is a relief from glazed terracotta. It is in Victoria and Albert museum in London, Britain. The name of the sculpture is The Rape of Europe.

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