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22. The USA at present (1990s – 2013) Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Řeřichová

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2 22. The USA at present (1990s – 2013) Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Řeřichová
Škola: Gymnázium J. V. Jirsíka, Fr. Šrámka 23, České Budějovice Předmět: anglický jazyk Datum vytvoření: Cílová skupina: 3. – 4. ročník čtyřletého typu studia a odpovídající ročníky víceletých typů studia Typ hodiny: výklad s procvičením Popis: prezentace o USA v současnosti ( Bill Clinton, válka v Iráku a Afghánistánu, teroristický útok na Světové hospodářské centrum, éra presidenta Bushe ml., ekonomická krize , USA pod vedením prezidenta B. Obamy ), procvičení učiva

3 Bill Clinton´s era Won the elections in 1992 for Democratic Party
One of the youngest Presidents in history – 46 yrs old Entered office with high expectations 1998 – impeached by the House of Representatives for lying about his sexual relationship with Monika Lewinsky PD,

4 George W. Bush`s era 2000 – George W. Bush won elections over Al Gore
11th Sept 2001 – a terrorist attack on World Trade Centre in NY and the Pentagon – work of Al-Qaeda, leader Osama bin Laden President Bush announced “The War of Terror” / Sept 20 Oct 7 – USA and NATO invaded Afghanistan to oust Al-Qaeda PD,

5 Terrorist attack on WTC – 11th Sept 2001
Autor: Michael Foran, CC BY-SA,

6 George W. Bush`s era 2003 – invasion to Iraq – collapse of the government and capture of the dictator Saddam Hussein The reason for the invasion – elimination of weapons of mass destruction The Iraqi War called out international protests The war in Iraq and 2008 financial crisis brought unpopularity to President Bush PD,

7 Barack Obama Elected in 2008 - the first African-American President
Situation in Iraq stabilized – most US troops withdrew – some remained to assist the Iraqi forces 2009 – government support to important companies – Chrysler, GM – economy slowly started to expand again May 2011 – Osama bin Laden killed in Pakistan PD,

8 Obama in Prague – 5th April 2009
Autor: adrigu, CC BY-SA,

9 Barack Obama Oct 2009 – received Nobel Peace Prize
Health care reform – federal poverty level – more people will be able to use the health care system April 2010 – Gulf of Mexico oil spill 2012 – Obama re-elected In his inaugural address he mentioned the rights of gays – first time in history PD,

10 Natural disasters in the US – last decade
Hurricane Katrina – devastated New Orleans, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana – 1833 people killed Wildfires in California – 2007 – burnt about 2000 km² of land 358 tornadoes – April 2011 – south, Midwest and Northeast of the US – 348 people killed Hurricane Sandy – 2012 – Eastern USA – 147 people killed PD,

11 Answer the questions What is the role of the USA in present world?
Name 3 problematic situations President Bush had to solve. What are the pluses of Obama`s government? What natural disasters occur in the USA? Name some. What problem does the USA have with privately owned guns?

12 Thank you for your attention

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