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LONDON´S BURNING - práce s textem
VY_32_INOVACE_Spo_II_11 LONDON´S BURNING - práce s textem Název projektu: OP VK Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ OP Vzdělání pro konkurenceschopnost 1.4. Zlepšení podmínek pro vzdělávání na základních školách Autor materiálu: Renata Spourová
The Great Fire of London
evening 66 In the e g of 2 September Thomas Farynor was in his bakery in Pudding near London Bridge. He was making some He put the loaves into the and then he went to His assistant looked a- - -r them. Lane . after
asleep fire The assistant fell a p and at about two o´cloc the bakery was on f--e. A strong wind was blowing from the r- - -r and it blew the fire from house to river summer After a hot, dry s r the buildings caught fire very easily, and in the n w streets the fire spread quickly. narrow
Soon s-- - - -l streets were on f- -e.
several fire Soon s l streets were on f- -e. Some people tried to s- -e their houses, but it was no good. They g d their children, m- - - y and clothes and they ran. The streets was full of people, h s and carts. save grabbed money horses
burned The fire b d for four days and it d d most of the city. Only six people d- - d. The people of London had to b- - -d a new city. destroyed died build
decided They d d to build a better, more modern city with wide, s t streets. The people didn´t want a r fire, so all the buildings were made of b s or stone, not wood. Sir Christopher Wren build a new St Paul´s C l. Everyone agreed that it was more b l than the old cathedral. straight another bricks Cathedral beautiful
Today near London Bridge you can see the Monument to the Great Fire of London.
It´s meters hight, because it´s 33 meters from the bakery inn Pudding Lane where the fire started. thirty-three
I Subject pronouns Object pronouns ME MY YOU YOUR HE HIM HIS SHE HER
Possessive adjectives Object pronouns Zájmeno přivlastňovací - čí? Předmět-koho? Podmět - kdo? I ME MY YOU YOUR HE HIM HIS SHE HER IT ITS WE US OUR THEY THEM THEIR He likes her. My brother visited them. Her mother likes her.
Použitá literatura, anotace
T. Hutchinson: Project III, uč. Obrázky: Klipart MS Office Datum vytvoření: Předmět: anglický jazyk Ročník: sedmý Anotace: po ověření pracovního listu budou žáci seznámeni s historií požáru v Londýně, procvičí si slovní zásobu a připraví se na mluvní projev.
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