LONDON´S BURNING - práce s textem

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1 LONDON´S BURNING - práce s textem
VY_32_INOVACE_Spo_II_11 LONDON´S BURNING - práce s textem Název projektu: OP VK Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ OP Vzdělání pro konkurenceschopnost 1.4. Zlepšení podmínek pro vzdělávání na základních školách Autor materiálu: Renata Spourová

2 The Great Fire of London
evening 66 In the e g of 2 September Thomas Farynor was in his bakery in Pudding near London Bridge. He was making some He put the loaves into the and then he went to His assistant looked a- - -r them. Lane . after

3 asleep fire The assistant fell a p and at about two o´cloc the bakery was on f--e. A strong wind was blowing from the r- - -r and it blew the fire from house to river summer After a hot, dry s r the buildings caught fire very easily, and in the n w streets the fire spread quickly. narrow

4 Soon s-- - - -l streets were on f- -e.
several fire Soon s l streets were on f- -e. Some people tried to s- -e their houses, but it was no good. They g d their children, m- - - y and clothes and they ran. The streets was full of people, h s and carts. save grabbed money horses

5 burned The fire b d for four days and it d d most of the city. Only six people d- - d. The people of London had to b- - -d a new city. destroyed died build

6 decided They d d to build a better, more modern city with wide, s t streets. The people didn´t want a r fire, so all the buildings were made of b s or stone, not wood. Sir Christopher Wren build a new St Paul´s C l. Everyone agreed that it was more b l than the old cathedral. straight another bricks Cathedral beautiful

7 Today near London Bridge you can see the Monument to the Great Fire of London.
It´s meters hight, because it´s 33 meters from the bakery inn Pudding Lane where the fire started. thirty-three

8 I Subject pronouns Object pronouns ME MY YOU YOUR HE HIM HIS SHE HER
Possessive adjectives Object pronouns Zájmeno přivlastňovací - čí? Předmět-koho? Podmět - kdo? I ME MY YOU YOUR HE HIM HIS SHE HER IT ITS WE US OUR THEY THEM THEIR He likes her. My brother visited them. Her mother likes her.

9 Použitá literatura, anotace
T. Hutchinson: Project III, uč. Obrázky: Klipart MS Office Datum vytvoření: Předmět: anglický jazyk Ročník: sedmý Anotace: po ověření pracovního listu budou žáci seznámeni s historií požáru v Londýně, procvičí si slovní zásobu a připraví se na mluvní projev.

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