Revison of the 2nd semester

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1 Revison of the 2nd semester
Business letters ©Lenka Lexová Revison of the 2nd semester

2 Put the lines into the correct order to make an address
2520 Kenneth Beare Washington Olympia USA Visita Avenue Messrs Messrs Kenneth Beare 2520 Visita Avenue Olympia, WA USA ©Lenka Lexová

3 Name the letter and describe its parts:
With reference to your advertisement in yesterday's New York Times, could you please send us a copy of your latest catalogue. We would also like to know if it is possible to make purchases online. We are looking forward to your reply. ©Lenka Lexová

4 Put the phrases into the correct order and name the letter:
However, we can accept it only if you lower the prices and shorten the delivery terms by one month. We request you to agree to payment by L/C. We thank you for your offer of 25 November. If you meet this requirement, we will be pleased to place an order with you. ©Lenka Lexová

5 Put the phrases into the correct order and name the letter:
Order No 125 of 1 January 2013 We hope that the shipment will reach you in perfect order. Please, find enclosed two copies of our Invoice No We are pleased to inform you that your order was dispatched from the factory on 5 January. ©Lenka Lexová

6 Name the letter and describe it:
Order No 132 of 2 February 2013 We refer to our order and regret to say that the consignment has not given us much satisfaction. On unpacking the cases we have found part of the goods damaged. It is clear that the damage was caused by unsuitable packing. In view of these facts we claim from you compensation to the amount of 5000 CZK. We hope that further orders will be dispatched in accordance with our instruction. ©Lenka Lexová

7 Put the phrases into the correct order and describe the letter:
Order No. 1234 The delay was caused by a fire in the works and the cases have been handled carelessly in transit. We thank you for your letter and are very sorry for the trouble caused you. We apologize for this trouble and hope it will not interfere with our relations. We are ready to replace the damaged goods. ©Lenka Lexová

8 Resources ASHLEY, A. Oxford Handbook of Commercial Correspondence. 1.vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, 1999, 128 s. ISBN BABÁKOVÁ, Jiřina. SACHS, Rudolf. Anglická obchodní korespondence. Commercial Correspondence. 1.vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, 1999, 128 s. ISBN DYNDA, Antonín. Česko-anglická obchodní korespondence. 1. vyd. Praha: PRAGOEDUCA, 1995, 513 s. ISBN GAVLASOVÁ, Milena. PYTELKA, Josef. Angličtina pro ekonomické obory. 1.vyd. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1987, 128 s. ©Lenka Lexová

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