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Northwest Tematická oblast Angličtina: CANADA Datum vytvoření
Ročník , sexta – oktáva, B1 Stručný obsah Základní zeměpisná fakta a zajímavosti o N.W.T. Způsob využití Snímky seznamují se základními zeměpisnými fakty o N.W.T., prezentují doprovodné ilustrace a fotografie. V závěru kontrolní otázky a odpovědi. Autor Ing. Marcela Kunderová Kód VY_32_INOVACE_05_AKND07 Gymnázium a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Zlín
Northwest Territory
N.W.T. is one of three federal territories of Canada
the current borders were formed April 1, 1999, with the creation of Nunavut. it had a population of 41,462 (2011) in 1967, as a result of recommendations by the Carrothers Commission, Yellowknife became the capital it is surrounded by many bodies of water it is known for its mineral production
Yellowknife – the capital
Snow removal in Yellowknife
Yellowknife in Winter Yellowknife Bay Snow removal in Yellowknife Yellowknife Harbour, Great Slave Lake
N.W.T. located in northern Canada
the territory borders Canada's two other territories :Yukon to the west and Nunavut to the east and four provinces: British Columbia to the southwest, and Alberta and Saskatchewan to the south and Manitoba to the extreme southeast
Geographical features
Mackenzie River at Fort Good Hope Aerial view of Mackenzie River
Great Bear Lake the largest lake
Great Slave Lake – the deepest lake
What is the capital city of N.W.T.?
What is the deepest lake?
Yellowknife Great Slave Lake
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