6.12.2018 23:30 Replies to Complaints 1 V– 2nd semester.

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1 :30 Replies to Complaints 1 V– 2nd semester

2 :30 Order No We thank you for your letter and are very sorry for the trouble caused you. The delay was caused by a fire in the works and the cases have been handled carelessly in transit. We are ready to replace the damaged goods. We apologize for this trouble and hope it will not interfere with our good relations. interfere /intə‘fiə/ - zasáhnou, narušit ©Lenka Lexová

3 Replies to complaints Expression of regret that the buyer is not satisfied Explanation of circumstances which caused the trouble Suggestion of fair settlement of the complaint When the letter is justified, the letter is closed by an apology ©Lenka Lexová

4 Opening phrase We regret to see from your letter that four cases are missing in the last consignment. ©Lenka Lexová

5 Explanation of the cause of the complaint
We have investigated the matter and found that a mistake was made in our packing department. ©Lenka Lexová

6 Suggested settlement We have arranged for the right goods to be dispatched to you. We regret very much that we can not meet your claim. ©Lenka Lexová

7 Apology and closing phrase
We thank you for your cooperation and hope that the matter is now settled to your full satisfaction. ©Lenka Lexová

8 Complete the missing words then make up a letter from the phrases:
We … that the …… shipment has …. you ….. now. We ..… you for your letter and ….. to express …… for the unfortunate ……. In our …... the cases ……… carelessly ……. We ….. your ….. to keep ….. and are ready to ….. you a …… of 10 ……. 4 1 2 3 ©Lenka Lexová

9 ResouRces ASHLEY, A. Oxford Handbook of Commercial Correspondence. 1.vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, 1999, 128 s. ISBN BABÁKOVÁ, Jiřina. SACHS, Rudolf. Anglická obchodní korespondence. Commercial Correspondence. 1.vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, 1999, 128 s. ISBN DYNDA, Antonín. Česko-anglická obchodní korespondence. 1. vyd. Praha: PRAGOEDUCA, 1995, 513 s. ISBN GAVLASOVÁ, Milena. PYTELKA, Josef. Angličtina pro ekonomické obory. 1.vyd. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1987, 128 s. ©Lenka Lexová

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