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Hobbies and interests Mgr. Zuzana Hnátová
Anotace Kód Dumu : VY_32_INOVACE_5.AJ.06
Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Vytvořeno: leden 2013 Ročník: ročník a 4. ročník - čtyřleté gymnázium (RVP-G) Septima a Oktáva - osmileté gymnázium (RVP-G) Vzdělávací oblast : Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh: Human – hobbies and interests Anotace: Tento materiál byl vytvořen jako téma pro maturitní okruh: Člověk na Gymnáziu a JŠ Svitavy přibližně na jednu, popřípadě více vyučovacích hodin (pro výklad i opakování – shrnutí učiva). Obsahuje jednak přehled faktografických údajů, tak i anglickou ustálenou terminologii, doplněné o interaktivní cvičení: otázky a samostatný ústní projev Je primárně zaměřen na dva poslední ročníky gymnázia, i přesto se dá využít i v nižších ročnících osmiletého i čtyřletého studia vcelku nebo jeho jednotlivé části Pomůcky: interaktivní tabule, internet
Questions (warm-up) How can people spend their free time (leisure time? What active and passive hobbies do you know? What hobbies are the most favourite in the Czech Republic? What are the benefits of hobbies? How do you usually spend your free time? Do you prefer to be alone or with your friends? What does your mother/father like doing in her/his free time?
What is leisure time? leisure time is when you don not have to be at school or work, you have no duties and you can do things that you enjoy and that bring you relaxation and pleasure Teenage activities Activities for elderly Nowadays, a lot of men enjoy cooking
Hobbies – interests involve collecting objects of historic, artistic or personal value (postcards, stamps, beer mats etc.) passive activities – collecting objects, watching TV, films, reading books, listening to music + students' own answers also involve creative activities (music, paintings, home improvement, embroidery etc.) active relaxation – various sports + students' own answers
Collecting millions of people like collecting
anything can be collected – toys, teddy bears, books, glass, pottery, porcelain + students' own answers for some people it is a hobby x but it can become an all-consuming obsession there can be some limiting factors, such as space and money
Hobbies – interests
Gardening = growing and caring for plants and trees - can be an enjoyable activity, because some people like producing food or creating aesthetic landscapes it can be also a form of exercise, a way how to save money on food or a way how to ensure that our products are free of pesticides and chemicals it can also be a profession as landscape gardeners design, install and maintain gardens for a living
What do we need for gardening?
complex equipment such as tractors, harvesters manual tools such as spades rakes hoes shovels mowers tillers
Fishing fishing for sport, relaxation and recreation is called sport fishing or angling people fish from a boat or from a shore for all types of fish it can serve as a source of fresh food or some people just enjoy being in the fresh air, mostly at night or in the wee hours in the morning
What equipment do we need for fishing?
Basic tools = tackle: rod reel hooks bait fishing line
Active or passive? Decide!
playing a musical instrument, painting, photography, keeping pets, reading books, listening to music, hiking, dancing, going to the cinema or theatre, manual works
Final questions What do you do in your free time? What do you need for your pastime? What would you suggest to your friend who is always bored? Do you like doing nothing? Is it important to have hobbies? Why do people keep pets? Do you keep pets? Do you have the same hobbies that you had when you were 10 years old?
Zdroje a použitá literatura
Knihy a internetové zdroje: 1. EL-HMOUDOVÁ. Maturitní témata. Třebíč: Petra Velanová, 2006, ISBN SMITH-DLOUHÁ a kol. Angličtina – otázky a odpovědi .. Nejen k maturitě. Dubicko: INFOA, 2008, ISBN Obrázky pocházejí z otevřené galerie Microsoft Office (Powerpoint) z otevřené fotodatabáze Power Veškeré hypertextové odkazy jsou platné ke dni vytvoření díla.
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