Živá fáze.

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1 Živá fáze

2 Živá fáze – Leonova Diamond
Použití pro identifikaci / potvrzení některých typů vad strojů Pro pochopení jak se jedna část stroje pohybuje vůči jiné In trouble shooting of machines, this tool can be very useful. It gives information about how individual machine parts move in relation to each other. One example of this is confirming a misaligned pump or a cardan shaft, where it is possible to measure the movement over the coupling. Live phase measurements cannot be stored.

3 Živá fáze – Leonova Diamond
Absolutní fáze Jeden snímač vibrací a jeden tachosnímač Fáze je měřena vůči poloze spouště (reflexní nálepky) It can be used to measure absolute phase and relative phase. Using absolute phase, one vibration transducer and one tachometer is needed. Also one reflective item, such as tape, needs to be mounted at the machine.

4 Živá fáze – Leonova Diamond
Absolutní fáze VIB reference The phase is 0 degrees at the reference point. When the vibration has moved one cycle it has moved 360 degrees. In this case the vibration has moved 160 degrees from the reference point. RPM spoušť Fáz. reference Fáz. úhel 90° 360° = 1 otáčka

5 Živá fáze – Leonova Diamond
Relativní fáze = mezikanálová fáze Dva vibrační snímače Relativní fáze je rozdíl fází mezi dvěma snímači na specifickém kmitočtu Popisuje pohyb dvou strojních částí vůči sobě – ve fázi / v protifázi For relative phase measurement, two vibration transducers are needed. Relative phase is the phase difference between the two transducers at a specific frequency.

6 Živá fáze – Leonova Diamond
Relativní fáze 360⁰ For relative phase measurement, two vibration transducers are needed. Relative phase is the phase difference between two transducers at a specific frequency. In this case the phase difference is about 70 degrees. 70⁰

7 Živá fáze – Leonova Diamond
Zvolte techniku Absolutní fáze (Reference from tacho pulse) Relativní fáze (Cross channel phase) To perform a measurement, the first step is to choose between: Absolute phase measurement. This measurement will use the tacho pulse as a reference. The measurement needs one vibration transducer and one laser tacho (or another device generating the pulse) Relative phase measurement. This measurement requires two vibration transducers. Follow the “Setup wizard” and the measurement window will appear. The measurement will start automatically.

8 Živá fáze – Leonova Diamond
Absolutní fáze Úhlový rozdíl mezi spouští a vibračním maximem In the window to the right, a live view of the absolute phase measurement can be seen. In the window to the left, the default settings (which are quite useful) can be changed according to preference.

9 Živá fáze – Leonova Diamond
Relativní fáze Úhlový rozdíl mezi dvěma signály pro danou rychlost In the window to the right, a live view of the absolute phase measurement can be seen. In the window to the left, the default settings (which are quite useful) can be changed according to preference. Note that the RPM value must be set to an actual value.

10 Živá fáze – použití Nevývaha, statická + dynamická Nesouosost
Excentricita Ohnutá hřídel Vůle, uvolnění Problémy s ukotvením stroje, měkká patka Tuhost konstrukcí (vizualizace pohybu) ... One example where this feature is useful is for verifying a misaligned pump. In the first case above, there will be a phase shift of the vibration signal of 180 degrees in the vertical direction. In the second case. there will be a phase shift of 180 degrees in the axial direction. Check the phase difference in the machine speed (1X) and the double speed (2X).

11 Živá fáze – zakreslení 0° 45° 180° 90°
Pushing the Menu button, there are some possible settings to use: “Cumulative averaging” will average every measurement until “Clear” is pushed. “0-360°” lets the user choose how the angle will be displayed.

12 Živá fáze – Leonova Diamond
Another example of the usability this feature is its ability to verify cardan shaft problems. If the phase shift between the couplings is 0 degrees, the cause of the vibration most likely comes from a part outside the shaft. If the phase shift is 180 degrees, the vibration most likely comes from the cardan shaft. It is good to check the phase difference in both 1X and 2X. => nevývaha převislého rotoru

13 Živá fáze – Leonova Diamond
Another example of the usability this feature is its ability to verify cardan shaft problems. If the phase shift between the couplings is 0 degrees, the cause of the vibration most likely comes from a part outside the shaft. If the phase shift is 180 degrees, the vibration most likely comes from the cardan shaft. It is good to check the phase difference in both 1X and 2X. !!! poloha snímačů otáčí fázi o 180° !!!

14 Živá fáze – Leonova Diamond
Another example of the usability this feature is its ability to verify cardan shaft problems. If the phase shift between the couplings is 0 degrees, the cause of the vibration most likely comes from a part outside the shaft. If the phase shift is 180 degrees, the vibration most likely comes from the cardan shaft. It is good to check the phase difference in both 1X and 2X.

15 Živá fáze

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