zpracovaný v rámci projektu

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1 zpracovaný v rámci projektu
Výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci projektu Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Šablona: III/2 Sada: 4/2 Výstup: VY_32_INOVACE_4CHA205 Ověření ve výuce: Anglický jazyk Datum ověření: Třída: 3.VS

2 What should you know about
Předmět: Anglický jazyk Ročník: 3. Klíčová slova: Great Britain, UK Jméno autora: Mgr. Jana Chalupníková Škola – adresa: Soukromá střední odborná škola a Střední odborné učiliště s. r. o. Znojemská 1027, Třebíč

3 Anotace Digitální učební materiál je zaměřen na výklad informací o anglicky mluvících zemích. Pomůcky k výkladu jsou dataprojektor, mapy světa a anglicky mluvících zemí, anglicko – české slovníky Prezentace materiálu s výkladem trvá nejdéle jednu vyučovací hodinu anglického jazyka

4 Think about these points
Location Geography, capitals Symbols: flag, anthem, currency Political system People, language Places of interest Other

5 Obr. č. 1

6 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland
It is the whole name for the country called THE GREAT BRITAIN or familiary ENGLAND. To get there, you must cross the English Channel(La Manche) from France. Or by ferry or tunnel train on the bottom of the sea.

7 Geography and capitals
The GB consists of two main islands: English Island and Ireland (only nothern part) and many smaller islands like Orkney, Shetlands, Hebrides, Isle of Man and others. The longest rivers are the Thames and Avon. The highest peak is Ben Nevis in Scottish. Highlands. Scotland is famous for lakes – lochs

8 The country is made of four countries with their capitals
England Scotland Wales Nothern Ireland London Edinburgh Cardiff Belfast

9 London is also the capital city of whole United Kingdom.

10 Symbols Flag, called the Union Jack. When you put all 3 country crosses together, you make red-white-blue British flag. Obr.č. 2

11 Anthem God save the Queen
(interesting is that in the times of the King the word queen is replaced by the word king) God save our gracious Queen Long live our noble Queen God save our Queen! Send her victorious Happy and glorious Long to reign over us God save the Queen! - God save the Queen hymna Velké Británie - text, překlad - KaraokeTexty.cz

12 Currency One GBP - £: one pound sterling
British pound has 100 pennies. Coins are: 1p(penny or pence), 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 a £2 Banknotes are: £5, £10, £20 a £50

13 Present queen is the Queen Elizabeth II.
Political system The Great Britain is constitutional monarchy with the Queen as the head of the Kingdom. Present queen is the Queen Elizabeth II. Government is made up the Parliament. The Prime minister with his cabinets have executive power. Now it is David Cameron.

14 People and language People are very polite and friendly. They never forget - Please, thanks, welcome, how can I help you… Population is over the 60 mil. inhabitants. Official and spoken language is English, but in various parts people speak Scottish(Gaelic), Welsh, Irish.

15 Places of interests LONDON University towns: Oxford, Cambridge
Brighton Stratford upon Avon Liverpool Salisbury Stonehenge Portsmouth

16 Other(history) – Do you know that
The Queen Victoria liked each new discovery and loved all invention?(scratching iron hand) Magna Carta, the first codex of laws, was signed by King John in 1215? The king Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church and found Church of England and was married to six women? The Domesday Book was first book of property commissioned in 1085 by William the Conqueror. He invaded England in The book contained records for 13,418 settlements in the English counties?

17 Zdroje http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/ukgb.htm
Obr. č. 1 Obr. č. 2

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